

link 15.08.2005 21:29 
Subject: Еще пять вопросов..
1. Besides the synochal form, we have also the asthenic, nervous, torpid or septic measles (morbilli nigri). - . (?), астеническая, нервная, торпидная или септическая формы кори ?.

2. The inflammation sometimes extends through the Eustachian tube into the cavity of the tympanum, and gives rise to an internal otitis, which may lead to a perforation of the membrane and to caries of the os petrosum, causing an abstinate otorrhoea.

3. Our school friends recommend to begin the treatment with a mild purgative .. and a few hours later liquor ammoniae acetates.

4. Croupy inflammation/cough - непреодолимый кашель?

5. decrease of the urinary secretion, with traces of albumen or cylindrical tubuli



link 16.08.2005 3:53 
2.Каменистая кость
3. раствор ацетата аммония
4.A cough that has the tonality of a seal or dog bark, caused by inflammation of or mucus on the vocal cords. а вот здесь еще - http://health.rin.ru/uni/text/pages/2613.html
5. вроде бы - мочевые цилиндры


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