

link 18.06.2010 9:06 
Subject: Как будет по английски "переход" в смысле на сайт или внутри со страницы на страницу сайта
Как будет по английски "переход" в смысле на сайт или внутри со страницы на страницу сайта. Например, "внутренние переходы по сайту"
почему бы и нет?
site surfing


link 18.06.2010 9:22 
возможно как процесс да, но мне необходимо как 1 единица, например: 2 перехода со страницы такой-то
спасибо заранее!!!


link 18.06.2010 9:25 
number of visits from such-and-such site


link 18.06.2010 9:27 
2 hits from the page


link 18.06.2010 9:27 
number of clickthroughs (выглядит ужасно, но гуглится, зараза)

 Supa Traslata

link 18.06.2010 9:28 
hits from the page +1


link 18.06.2010 9:51 
consider site navigation


link 18.06.2010 15:01 
переход- transfer


link 18.06.2010 15:21 


link 18.06.2010 15:30 
Your Web Traffic and Your Bottom Line
Author: Scott Buresh

Most companies that have websites have access to traffic statistics, usually provided by their web host. Those that don't look at these files (or use a bargain basement web hosting company that doesn't provide them) don't know what they are missing- there is a wealth of information to be found, and reacting to this information can have a positive impact on a company's bottom line. What follows are some of the most basic stats that are typically available, followed by brief suggestions on how to use the information.

The Myth of "Hits" Most web surfers have come across sites that boast about "20,000 hits per day" or something similar. But what does this mean? To an internet marketer, unfortunately, not much. "Hits" actually refers to the number of requests for information the web server receives. To use an oversimplified example, if your company homepage has 20 separate graphics on it, each visitor to that page will account for 20 hits. If you were boasting of 20,000 hits per day, you would really only be talking about 1000 visitors. Obviously, this statistic is not a fair indication of actual site visitors, and shouldn't be figured into your traffic analysis.

Average Visitors (Daily, Weekly, Monthly) This is the true measure of website activity. Of course, more traffic is desirable in most circumstances (provided it is at least somewhat targeted). Without access to this data and the ability to look at visitor history, it is impossible to tell if your traffic building initiatives, whether online or offline, are working. It should be noted that the more your traffic increases, the more accurate the rest of your data becomes. This is simply because trends in a larger sample are more telling than trends in a smaller sample where a small number of atypical users can skew the results.

Average Time Spent On Site and Average Page Views Per Visitor This data can be very useful in determining how your site is connecting with visitors. If the average time that people spend on the site is small (for example less than a minute), or the average visitor only visits one or two pages, it may indicate some sort of problem. Perhaps your site is attracting the wrong traffic, with visitors abandoning the site quickly when they realize it isn't what they were seeking. Perhaps visitors are confused by the navigation and decide to look elsewhere. Maybe your site, even though you love it, gives off an inexplicable bad vibe. Whatever the case, an awareness of the time people spend on your site and the number of pages they view can bring a potential problem to your attention, and help you gauge how effective your solution is.

Most/Least Requested Pages This information is helpful in determining the "hot" and "cold" areas of your website. If you notice that a page that you think is important is not getting any attention, perhaps the link to this page should be made more prominent or enticing. On the other hand, if there are areas of the site that you deem less important that are attracting a great deal of your traffic, you can shift some of your sales/marketing focus to those pages. Whatever you find in these stats, you can bet that it will give you valuable insight into the interests and motivations of your visitors.

Top Exit Pages There are probably certain pages of your site where you don't mind visitors leaving (after all, they can't stay forever). A confirmation page after they fill out a request for more information might be one example of a reasonable exit point. A contact page that tells visitors how to get in touch with your company might also be acceptable. Unfortunately, it is unrealistic to assume that each of your visitors is going to find exactly what they are looking for on your company site, so it is normal to see a wide range of exit pages. However, if a high percentage of visitors are leaving on any particular page, it bears some close scrutiny. Sometimes minor modifications in content can have a positive impact on visitor retention.

Top Search Phrases This data can be very useful in understanding what type of traffic is coming to your site. If you see relevant phrases that bring you consistent traffic, you can assume that you are getting some targeted traffic. On the other hand, if there are predominant phrases people are using to find your site that are unrelated to your business, you know that at least some of your traffic is of a lesser quality. In addition, if you notice that people find your site by typing in the name of your company, you should be pleased to know that you have achieved some level of brand awareness. By examining the search phrases that your visitors are using, you gain a better understanding of your visitor.

Conclusion Some people are intimidated by these reports (mostly because of the sheer volume of data available), but they shouldn't be. While there are many highly specialized statistics that can be used for more in-depth analysis of site traffic, the above areas alone can provide invaluable information on site visitors and website performance. Remember- this data is available for a reason. It's up to your company to use it!

About the author: Scott Buresh is co-founder and principal of Medium Blue Internet Marketing (www.mediumblue.com ). For monthly tips on how to get the most out of your internet presence, sign up for the Medium Blue Internet Marketing Newsletter at http://www.mediumblue.com/newsletters


link 18.06.2010 15:34 
страница, куда перешли, - landing page
а так hits и page views вам правильно уже сказали.


link 18.06.2010 15:40 
So what's the answer, Mr. T.?

 alk moderator

link 18.06.2010 15:41 
если пользоваться терминологией Google Analytics, то есть понятие Landing page, Conversion, Drilldown
А так, в целом, используются website visits, page views, clicks, internal site navigation etc.


link 18.06.2010 15:43 
hit - это "посещение", визит, нажатие кнопки. А не переход. отсутствует, тсзть, сема изменения местоположения.
Лично я сделала такой вывод из этого текста. ))


link 18.06.2010 15:44 
поэтому настаиваю на своем jump-e


link 18.06.2010 15:48 
I'd go for redirects (internal or external)


link 18.06.2010 15:50 
redirect - обычно автоматическая процедура. например, ты набираешь в адресной строке rembler, а попадаешь почему-то на rambler.
в телефонии - система автоматически тебя редиректит, например, при занятости линии в колл центре

 alk moderator

link 18.06.2010 15:56 
нет, все же jump это не то, и redirect совсем другое.
Налицо довольно типичная картина - английская и русская терминология не совпадает. Вот посмотрите описание популярной службы
Никаких "переходов", нет такого понятия.
В Гугл Аналитикс есть Site Overlay, показывает, как по сайту ходят, куда нажимают, там тоже показывают и считают clicks.


link 18.06.2010 15:59 
Я понимаю, что сейчас подвергнусь, но вот google co.uk дает около ста совпадений на "jump between pages"

 alk moderator

link 18.06.2010 16:04 
и все эти 11 тыс. jump относятся к процессам на компьютере, внутри тех или иных приложений, например, "позволяет легко переключаться между страницами в браузере" или "программа начинает самопроизвольно скакать со страницы на страницу" и т.д.


link 18.06.2010 16:08 
"as they were previously forced to jump between sites to see reviews and then make a reservation."
"It's harder for me to jump between sites and I prefer just to "shop in one place"
"surfing the web is fast & you can jump between sites with easy navigation"

so they say ))


link 18.06.2010 16:08 
и это лишь первые 3 подряд


link 18.06.2010 16:11 
This site has built on the principle of using hypertext to enable both jumps between pages and to other internet sites.

Your browser will have a "Back" button to help you go back a page if you make a wrong jump.



link 18.06.2010 16:12 
извините все, кому кажется, что меня прет.

 alk moderator

link 18.06.2010 16:27 
это совершенно нормально использовать jump для описания процедуры перехода на тот или иной сайт или страницу, но несколько в другом смысле. Это действия на стороне пользователя, если так можно выразиться.
Например, в руководстве пользователя. Open up your browser, jump to www.multitran.ru and click on Contacts to find more info.
В вопросе же звучит тема "переходов", оцениваемых со стороны сайта, аналитика пользовательской активности, поэтому тут clicks, page views etc.


link 18.06.2010 16:31 
хм-хм... а почему, собственно?
Я как раз поняла, что в вопрос этот эээ.. вопрос рассматривается как раз со стороны пользователя, т.е. его сознательных действий.
Например, при создании сайта нужно предусмотреть возможность переходов и внутри сайта и снаружи.
Если это не так, тогда конечно, не jump.

 alk moderator

link 18.06.2010 16:37 
нет, фраза "внутренние переходы по сайту" - это из азбуки SEO-оптимизатора.
А в приводимом Вами случае веб-разработчики будут говорить о internal/external links и site-map.


link 18.06.2010 16:40 
alk +1


link 18.06.2010 16:54 
лана, извиняюсь, если гнала пургу


link 18.06.2010 18:11 
clickthrough - to measure how effective advertising banner/link is.
hit - every single HTTP request to the server. One web page can have dozens of hits per one page view since every image is one hit, including transparent one pixel images used for layout purposes.

"contact page is just two (mouse)clicks/pages from the main/home/landing, etc"
есть еще referring page (на или за пределами сайта)


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