

link 12.01.2010 15:31 
Subject: a question from the All-Russia English Language Academic Olympics 2010
Only ticket holders can enter.
A...for ticket owners only.

Complete the word so that the second sentence has the same meaning as the first one.

(side note: I have not seen myself the task and sentences in a written form. Here is what I render from what the kids told me.
I have my kids' and my answers I can think of.
Do you what me to give them now or later?
Of course I do not know the correct answer- I mean I do not know the key to the test).
Thank you.


link 12.01.2010 15:38 


link 12.01.2010 15:46 
that was one of the words we thought of
but "admission" has a meaning of admission fee, like
"admission is much more common in the sense "a fee paid for the right of entry": The admission to the movie was five dollars." quote from the Longman Dictionary
so I thought of another word
and again I might be wrong


link 12.01.2010 15:49 
ну, еще access


link 12.01.2010 15:50 

 SirReal moderator

link 12.01.2010 15:53 
Если подразумевается единственное правильное слово, то именно аdmission. На самих билетах часто так и пишут: "Admit one".
Access подходит по смыслу, но так просто не говорят, насколько я знаю.


link 12.01.2010 16:01 
Я сейчас как раз перевожу с английского очень большой текст про правила прохода на объекты, там только access и употребляется.


link 12.01.2010 16:01 
those were the words the students thought of.
I suggested "admittance" and my American frieds agreed, though they added that they are very close (admission and admittance) but admittance is better.
What do you think?
and Americans rejected access word here.

 SirReal moderator

link 12.01.2010 16:06 
2 Siryra
Уточните: правила прохода на объекты, где используются **входные билеты**?

2 valex
Насчет admittance - да, дело тонкое. По словарю admittance больше подходит (именно как permission to enter). Так что, возможно, именно такая задумка у составителей вопроса. Особенно если это русскоязычные филологи или преподаватели английского. Думаю, admission было бы вполне правильно для всех остальных.


link 12.01.2010 16:07 
"Admittance" is mostly confined to the literal sense of allowing one to enter a locality or building
no admittance without a pass
admittance to the grounds
"Admission" has acquired the figurative sense of admitting to rights, privileges, standing, membership
his admission to the club
admission of new words into the language
When entrance into a building or a locality carries with it certain privileges, admission rather than admittance is used
admission to a theater
the admission of aliens into a country
MW Dic of Syns

 SirReal moderator

link 12.01.2010 16:09 
Грамотеи они еще те:

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по АНГИЙСКОМУ языку

 SirReal moderator

link 12.01.2010 16:09 
Спасибо за ссылку, nephew!


link 12.01.2010 16:12 
у вас что-то с компутером - по ссылке нет ангийского

 SirReal moderator

link 12.01.2010 16:13 
Посмотрите в заголовок браузера.


link 12.01.2010 16:13 
to nephew:
"no admittance without a pass"
"admission rather than admittance is used"


link 12.01.2010 16:16 
никого не смущает артикль в *A...for ticket owners only*?
может, коварные составители ждут слово типа gate, door или еще что на согласную?

 SirReal moderator

link 12.01.2010 16:17 
2 valex
Это не собcтвенные слова nephew, а цитата из Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms. Задайте вопросы им :) А лучше прочитайте внимательно вот эту часть: When entrance into a building or a locality carries with it certain privileges, ...

 SirReal moderator

link 12.01.2010 16:17 
nephew, я так понимаю, это не артикль, а первая буква слова.


link 12.01.2010 16:19 
ааааа, так это еще и подсказка :)


link 12.01.2010 16:24 
So, which word - admittance or admission?
I understood that was from the dictionary
and you are right
this is the first letter of the word (a...)


link 12.01.2010 23:07 
Admittance souunds better. Also consider "entrance".


link 13.01.2010 2:24 
"Admission" gets my vote... but then again, I'm American, so I'm biased.


link 13.01.2010 2:36 

"general admission"

"no admission after (e.g., the program has started)"



link 13.01.2010 3:01 
admission is the answer in there.))


link 13.01.2010 4:52 
Я за admission.
Но вот эта буква "А" в начале меня сильно смущает. Ведь артикль здесь не нужен. Неужели и правда это подсказка, т.е. первая буква искомого слова?


link 13.01.2010 5:05 
and Americans rejected access word here.

Admission vs access

в данном контексте, admission имеет значение "пропуск на вход по билету", то есть когда у двери кто-то стоит и проверяет. А access -- "физический" так сказать вход, когда открываешь дверь и в нее -- шасть... Это все мое ИМХО...

 SirReal moderator

link 13.01.2010 10:00 
2 ms801
Welcome back -- it's nice to see you again! Do you disagree with Merriam-Webster's? See nephew's post @ 12.01.2010 19:07. TIA.


link 13.01.2010 14:13 
Today I saw the keys
The answer from the keys is "access/admission"

Yesterday I posed the same question on PROZ.COM

Interesting observations from the disussion there:
"Need to consider the preposition here

Remember we have to deal with "A... FOR somebody" not "by". Personally I'm thoroughly confused at the moment"

'admission' can be followed by all sorts of prepositions, depending on the exact context; certainly, the sue of 'for' could incline one towards the idea of 'access' — 'access for wheelchair users only', for example. However, I think the reliability of the 'source text' needs to be taken itno account; in particular, I think it would be more natural / usual in EN to say 'ticket-holders' rather than 'ticket owners', which alone is enough to cast some doubt on the reliability of the source.

The Cambridge Guide to English Usage shows that admission has a 40:1 ratio of use against admittance. This along with what else has been evidenced here clearly shows that this is what is used most frequently


I'm immensely grateful to all of you who contributed here (black_velvet, Syrira, SirReal, nephew, ms801, lisulya, questionmark) for your support.


link 13.01.2010 16:24 
All right, this is what Thesaurus.com says:


So, I guess, I would change my opinion and pick admission. It seems to be a little closer to the idea of "paid access" than "admittance," which I suggested earlier. I will quiz my wife when I come home and see what she says. Interesting question....

 SirReal moderator

link 13.01.2010 19:24 
Even more interesting is that the key gives access/admission. Access is completely wrong here.


link 13.01.2010 20:18 
I agree with SirReal... Access in this context denotes "physical access" (to an area, venue, etc.), whereas "admission" implies that someone (in this case, ticket-holders) are "admitted" to an area, venue, etc. BY someone (in this case, the venue).

"this area is wheel-chair accessible" means that a person in a wheel chair can (physically) gain ACCESS to an area, without anybody's assistance.

by contrast,

"hospital admissions" is where patients are processed (again, by someone -- a clerk) before they are admitted to the hospital.


link 14.01.2010 3:20 
having said that, these are kids we're talking about... who can't be expected to know everything about a language that is not their native... so, both admission and access are probably OK for the purposes of the Olimpiada.


link 27.07.2010 0:15 
Наткнулся на эту ветку и с интересом прочёл каждый пост. В тесте я бы поставил admittance. НО что меня удивляет, так это абсолютно некорректный вопрос для олимпиады. Во-первых, САМ по себе вопрос подразумевает написание admittance:

It is often maintained that admittance should be used only to refer to achieving physical access to a place (He was denied admittance to the courtroom), and that admission should be used for the wider sense of achieving entry to a group or institution (her admission to the club; China's admission to the United Nations). There is no harm in observing this distinction, though it is often ignored. But admission is much more common in the sense "a fee paid for the right of entry": The admission to the movie was five dollars. (AHD)

Однако составители абсолютно правы в том, что admission здесь идеально подходит (и возможно лучший вариант, с точки зрения частотности). Access тоже возможен, на мой взгляд.

Но зачем задавать такой глупый вопрос, когда тот же MWDEU на 2 страницы расписывает, что admission/admittance взаимозаменялись во всех значениях in reputable writing бог знает сколько времени?? (Хотя затрагивает различие между No admittance и No admission (разница ясна, думаю).

Вывод: набить комиссии мор** увесистым юсидж гайдом:)
Понятно, почему нек-рые дети вынуждены отстаивать свою правоту, вопреки всяким "ключам".

вспомнилось еще одно "различие" между nauseated/nauseous, точнее комментарий по этому поводу:
If I hear that someone feels nauseous, I'd certainly get out of the way!:)


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