

link 19.06.2009 20:12 
Subject: гребля, Paddling Strokes
Дорогие специалисты по гребле, пожалуйста, помогите разобраться с гребками (если это гребки)
Three Main Paddling Strokes
There are 3 main paddling strokes to master; they are the forward stroke, the sweep and the scull.


link 19.06.2009 21:37 


link 19.06.2009 21:41 
The sweep stroke is a type of kayaking Stroke used to turn the kayak. Sweep strokes are either Forward Sweeps or Reverse Sweeps, but the principal is the same in both cases.

Sweep strokes are used to turn your kayak. While propulsion strokes are executed with vertical paddles along the side of the kayak to channel most of the energy into forward motion, sweep strokes are done with near horizontal paddles out away from the boat to maximize the turning moment.

This is the first stroke you should work on when you start paddling. The sweep strokes are the easiest way to experience the power that comes from paddling from your hips and torso. You need to committ the use of your torso and hips to "muscle memory" and then use them in pretty much all your strokes.

The most common mistake is to just consider the sweep stroke a more powerful forward stroke. People will often try to turn by just paddling harder on one side. This usually just results in the kayak moving faster yet not turning much. The faster you go, the harder it is to turn the boat.

Instead the sweep stroke should follow a different path through the water from a standard forward stroke. It will start out in the same place, close to the side of the boat forward of the cockpit. From there it should sweep quickly out to the side and move down the boat more than 12" from the side. The real power of the stroke does not happen until the very end. Rotate your body so you can pull the paddle blade almost straight back in towards the side to the boat behind the cockpit.

Torso rotation is important to getting good power in the actual steering portion of the stroke at the very end.



link 19.06.2009 21:44 
Эту ссылку я уже видела, спасибо, но как все-таки првильно обозвать по-русски "forward stroke, the sweep and the scull"? Ну подскажите, пожалуйста! что-то не нравится мне эта гребля совсем, да и встречается только в небольшом кусочке текста, а вникать сейчас просто нет времени.


link 19.06.2009 21:45 
Sculling is a stroke in which the paddle slices from side to side. The paddler changes the angle of the paddle on each side to side motion to propel the kayak in a direction perpendicular to the arc followed by the paddle.

Sculling a vertical paddle will make the kayak move in the direction of the paddle. Sculling a horizontal paddle provides bracing.

Learning to scull should be considered one of the most important steps in developing paddling proficiency. The sculling stroke, more than most any other stroke, develops good paddle control and really develops a paddler's feel for the paddle. Sculling, in the Greenland tradition, leads to rolling techniques. It also allows for fine motion control of a kayak.

The sculling draw is another effective sideways kayaking move.

After you have learned the draw stroke, you may want to also learn the sculling draw. The primary uses for this kayak stroke are so that you can move the kayak sideways for more than just one short stroke. In fact, the sculling draw is the best way to move your kayak from side to side continuously instead of stopping after each major stroke.

The sculling draw is important to learn as it will help you to move your kayak sideways without much trouble. This is also one of the hardest strokes to learn, just like the draw stroke. Therefore, you should be careful to make sure that you practice the sculling draw so that you'll be able to perform this move when you need it.

The first thing to remember when you are performing either the sculling draw or the draw stroke is that your kayak paddle should be as close to vertical as you can make it when you do the stroke. Something to keep in mind when you are learning and practicing the sculling draw is that there are a lot of differences that you can effect while you're paddling just by making slight changes in the way that you are holding the paddle and what direction the blade is pointing in the water.

The best way to learn this is to spend some time experimenting with the sculling draw. You should also make sure that you only do it a few inches away from your kayak so that you will have the maximum sideways movement with your kayak. You should always remember to be careful not to hit your kayak with the paddle, however, so you should not try to do the sculling draw within about six inches of the side of your kayak.

Once you've learned the draw stroke and the sculling draw, you'll be able to move your kayak from side to side and will be better able to align it to avoid obstacles.



link 19.06.2009 21:49 
Про скаллинг могу сказать, что это самый обычный способ гребли одним веслом, когда им "галанят"
Некоторые пишут - "голанят"
Обычный вариант на лодке с транцевой кормой - одно весло вставляется в гнездо на корме и им туда-сюда из стороны в сторону водят, изменяя положение лопасти (вращая). Лодка идет вперед от этого

На ролике мужик галанит веслом у борта, и байдарка движется боком.

Про остальное - посмотрите ролики.


link 19.06.2009 21:50 

(голанить),грести с кормы шлюпки одним веслом,имеющим точку опоры на транцевой доске,описывая им в воде как бы непрерывную винтовую линию в ту и другую сторону.


link 19.06.2009 21:55 
начинающий байдарочник должен освоить три типа гребков:
гребки для движения вперед
гребки для разворота
научиться "галанить", чтобы байдарка двигалась боком.



link 20.06.2009 10:11 
Спасибо огромное! Все понятно!


link 20.06.2009 10:46 
Еще раз благодарю за ссылки! Просмотрела видео, отпали все вопросы, особенно по технике каяка.


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