

link 27.01.2009 10:06 
Subject: 2 alk

Everytime I try to post on "vetka" I am told I am not registered though my nik is in the top right corner of the page and i have exited and signed in again about 6 times.

What to do?


link 27.01.2009 10:07 
у меня были те же проблемы при размещении ответов в имеющихся ветках

помогло переформатирование текста поста и многократный логин

 alk moderator

link 27.01.2009 10:12 
нет, ничего не помогает, это глюк. Просто через какое-то время ветка "разлочивается", ошибка у нашего Разработчика в алгоритме.
Оповещу asap.


link 27.01.2009 10:13 
"What to do?" and "Who to blame?" - two eternal Russian questions.

d. - но это же не выход.


link 27.01.2009 10:15 
Ну как же не выход? Я же запостил, что хотел!

 alk moderator

link 27.01.2009 10:16 
это не выход, а workaround, так сказать


link 27.01.2009 10:21 
Susan, just return to the previous page with your answer and add it with a few words, then try to post it again. It helps me all time.

 alk moderator

link 27.01.2009 10:25 
No, Doodie, you can't rely on this. It is just random success.
The only workaround right now is to wait for some time and repeat posting again (or try later).


link 27.01.2009 10:29 
For whatever it worths, I once had the same problem; It disappeared the moment I removed opening quotation marks from the first line of the post.


link 27.01.2009 10:34 
No, alk, at the moment my method really helps to post a message, and yours doesn't, I tried ... and then tired.
But it doesn't meen you do not need to solve the problem.

 alk moderator

link 27.01.2009 11:04 
I don't have any methods, it is a bug in site script.
Guys, could you please give me the address (here) of the thread you can't post right now.
For me it was "Исправление ошибок..." but yesterday evening I managed to post there so now it seems to be unlocked for some mystical reason.


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