

link 18.01.2009 9:19 
Subject: привела к необходимости проводить
подправьте, пожалуйста, чтобы звучало на английском.

Необходимость отладить 4-ю линию на всех форматах после реконструкции и капитального ремонта привела к четырем переналадкам с последующими пуско-наладочными работами.
The necessity to adjust the bottling line 4 on all formats after its reconstruction and overhaul resulted in four readjustments to be done with the following start-up works.


link 18.01.2009 9:42 
Reworking/tuning up operation of bottling line 4 at all levels following its upgrade and overhaul maintenance required four rounds of adjustments complete with attending commissioning and startup [activities]


link 18.01.2009 9:46 
м.б. The necessity to adjust the bottling line 4 IN all modes after reconstruction and overhaul led to four readjustments with following start-up works.

 Nina Chance

link 18.01.2009 10:02 
Four readjustments with the subsequent start-up works were performed as a result of the adjustment of the bottling line 4 after its reconstruction and overhaul.


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