

link 7.08.2008 10:57 
Subject: Poetry for the Builder
I am no good at getting these poems/pseudo-poems out in English (not my strong point).
If anyone has any ideas how to make this sound good in Eng, that would be great.

Мы знаем о прошлом
по раскопкам древних городов.
Потомки узнают о нас,
раскопав наши города.
О жизни людей,
изучивших наши развалены,
Узнают будущие археологи.
Город — это почти навсегда…

Thanks a million!


link 7.08.2008 11:11 
Do you have any ideas how to make this sound good in English?


link 7.08.2008 11:51 
We know about the past
from excavations of ancient cities.
Our descendants will learn about us
by digging up our cities.
Future archeologists will learn
about the life of those
who studied our ruins.
A city is almost forever...

Have I missed the point? ;)


link 7.08.2008 12:04 
Anna, I wish I had so much free time


link 7.08.2008 12:05 

No, you didn't miss the point, october did. :))

Thanks for the input. It is pretty much the same as what I have now, so I will stick to a combination of what we have. :)) I don't think it can sound any better.

What free time? This is part of my work.


link 7.08.2008 12:06 
Я здесь провожу много времени именно тогда, когда много работы, ибо в другое время я просто реже открываю "Мультитран". :)
Nina, a translator is not supposed to improve the original. :)


link 7.08.2008 12:08 
Susan, I'm talking to Anna here.


link 7.08.2008 12:14 
Айдуза, а ты чем занят? Или ты тоже 120 слов в минуту печатаешь? :)))))


link 7.08.2008 12:15 
I know. Just sometimes you want to. :)

Becasue you didn't write who you were answering, I assumed you were referring to the Asker (me). Sorry.

А может, не нужно переводить? Может, лучше подыскать че-нить похожее из уже готовенького? Вот, например, отсюда:

When I was a King and a Mason -- a Master proven and skilled --
I cleared me ground for a Palace such as a King should build.
I decreed and dug down to my levels. Presently, under the silt,
I came on the wreck of a Palace such as a King had built.

There was no worth in the fashion -- there was no wit in the plan --
Hither and thither, aimless, the ruined footings ran --
Masonry, brute, mishandled, but carven on every stone:
"After me cometh a Builder. Tell him, I too have known."

Смысл, конечно, не совсем тот, но какая-то идея преемственности (как и в исходнике) тут прослеживается.


link 7.08.2008 12:24 

Так готовенького уже у нас есть, galore.
I feed the lions in Trafalgar Square and I dig everything
I've sit just behind my window, till my cigarettes were low and dug
Got a backstreet room in the bad part of town and I dig everything
I'd see people in the street below, who don't know where they're going
They don't dig anything
Everything's spent and I dig everything
Everything's spent and I dig everything
Действие происходит в г. Лондоне, если кто не понял. Доза принята, но все равно не догоняет лирический герой этого стиха.


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