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Terms for subject Historical (43 entries)
chamberlain an officer in charge of managing the household of a sovereign, especially in the United Kingdom and in Denmark
back-berend having the stolen goods in (one's) possession
bailiwick the district within which a bailie or bailiff has jurisdiction
brass bounder brassbounder Michae­lBurov
brassbounder brass bounder Michae­lBurov
brass bounder brassbounder Michae­lBurov
brigandine coat of plates Yuriy8­3
brigandine coated-plates armour Vadim ­Roumins­ky
brigandine coated-plates armor Vadim ­Roumins­ky
brigandine coated-plates cuirasse Vadim ­Roumins­ky
chaffron chanfron 'More
chafron chanfron 'More
chamberlain an officer in charge of managing the household of a sovereign, especially in the United Kingdom and in Denmark
chamberlain high officer of state, as currently with the papal camerlengo, but normally now a mainly honorary title
chamfrein chanfron 'More
chamfron chanfron 'More
champion chanfron 'More
champron chanfron 'More
chaffron chanfron 'More
champion chanfron 'More