
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user dissenter: 19

1.04.2018 17:17:32 dial. lound, loun успокаиваться (от шотландского "lown" – calm, quiet)
18.03.2018 23:02:02 idiom. salty language манера разговаривать с использованием неприличных слов
18.03.2018 16:26:22 idiom. double bird salute показать два средних пальца
10.03.2018 18:10:35 idiom. consumed by поглощён (to be completely absorbed and controlled by one's passion or lust for something or someone)
10.03.2018 16:33:41 mus. sound boy диск жокей, MC (Term originated in jamaican reggae/dancehall scene.)
10.03.2018 16:26:00 idiom. with attitude с особым вниманием (unusual in a way that attracts attention ("These are designs with attitude."))
10.03.2018 15:41:36 slang hudge огроменный (A thing so big that the original "huge" is inadequate)
10.03.2018 11:50:21 idiom. wait rather a long wait заждаться, затянуться (Waiting for a king to apologize, one can wait rather a long wait)
4.02.2018 22:59:21 idiom. give what for показать кузькину мать
4.02.2018 22:49:51 gen. pitch on выбрать
26.07.2016 21:43:54 gen. complacently беспечно
22.03.2016 12:20:18 gen. prenegotiate оговаривать заблаговременно (Prudent purchasers prenegotiate penalties for missed performance.)
22.03.2016 12:19:12 gen. prenegotiate договариваться заблаговременно
20.03.2016 1:12:48 gen. preadmittance form форма, которая заполняется перед посещением или приёмом какого-либо учреждения
20.03.2016 0:29:46 gen. storage chest сундук
4.09.2015 23:32:33 fant./sci-fi. Mandalore Мандалор (Mandalore was a planet located in the Outer Rim Territories. It was the homeworld of the Mandalorians, a fearsome and warmongering people who fought the Jedi and sacked their temple during the fall of the Old Republic. Wearing distinctive armor, they were feared throughout the galaxy.)
gen. iron uniform гладить форму (рабочий костюм)
gen. stop by and say hi! заскочи на минутку и скажи "привет"!
gen. credit for благодаря (Credit for steam produced by a waste-heat boiler will generally offset the higher first cost of the gas turbine. {credit for – creditаsomeone or something for something – to give someone or something the praise deserved for doing something.})