מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

 אנגלית-רוסית מילון - המונחים אותם הוסיף המשתמש Bullfinch: 2.048  <<

19.02.2024 22:56:02 כלל. white-hot ярый (exhibiting or marked by extreme fervor or zeal: white-hot enthusiasm)
9.02.2024 20:02:00 כלל. fawning лизоблюдство
5.01.2024 18:23:15 כלל. assemble troops сосредотачивать войска
1.01.2024 15:04:47 כלל. license-produce производить по лицензии
31.12.2023 19:06:48 כלל. employ in mass применять массированно
18.09.2023 22:48:17 כלל. missile-carrying aircraft ракетоносец
18.09.2023 22:45:41 כלל. missile carrier bomber ракетоносец
9.06.2023 21:42:41 כלל. take up a notch вывести на новый уровень
8.05.2023 18:30:31 כלל. not long afterwards вскоре после этого
1.05.2023 14:23:48 .צִיוּ rant and rave бушевать (If you say that someone rants and raves, you mean that they talk loudly and angrily in an uncontrolled way.: [disapproval] I don't rant and rave or throw tea cups.)
1.05.2023 13:00:45 send in the troops ввести войска
1.05.2023 12:58:40 temporary deployment positions места временной дислокации
1.05.2023 12:48:14 כלל. mass gathering locations места массового скопления людей
30.04.2023 22:09:18 כלל. go for it давай, поднажми! (used for encouraging someone to do something or to try very hard)
28.04.2023 18:45:38 כלל. gamble heavily играть по-крупному
28.04.2023 17:54:13 .צִיוּ gas station бензоколонка (Ron DeSantis: "Russia is a gas station with a bunch of nuclear weapons")
28.04.2023 17:30:46 כלל. increase penalty ужесточить наказание
16.04.2023 18:26:31 .רפואת cap a tooth поставить коронку на зуб (to supply (a tooth) with an artificial crown)
16.04.2023 18:26:09 .רפואת tooth cap зубная коронка
19.03.2023 22:49:54 כלל. red-top таблоид (a tabloid newspaper characterized by sensationalism)
14.03.2023 0:08:52 כלל. non-partisan неангажированный (not a member of or connected with a group or political party : a non-partisan organization/voter/watchdog group)
14.03.2023 0:07:56 כלל. non-committed неангажированный (having made no promise to support any particular group, plan, belief, or action: The party is trying to reach out to non-committed voters.)
7.03.2023 11:27:31 כלל. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again Если долго мучиться, что-нибудь получится
1.03.2023 22:56:06 כלל. shoot on sight пристрелить на месте
16.02.2023 14:35:13 כלל. chink лазейка (a weak spot that may leave one vulnerable: his lawyers found a chink in the law)
3.02.2023 19:47:38 כלל. get up to speed разогнаться (With its souped-up new engine, I can get up to speed in this thing in a matter of seconds.)
1.02.2023 18:42:24 כלל. genderless бесполый
1.02.2023 17:14:52 כלל. the cant of thieves воровской жаргон
28.12.2022 23:41:59 כלל. put one's thinking cap on серьёзно подумать над (чем-л.) (to think seriously about something: I need some interesting suggestions so if you can put your thinking cap on I'd be grateful.)
20.12.2022 23:40:15 כלל. forward продвинутый (advocating an advanced policy in the direction of what is considered progress : a firm forward policy)
20.12.2022 23:40:15 כלל. forward прогрессивный (advocating an advanced policy in the direction of what is considered progress : a firm forward policy)
14.12.2022 18:44:06 כלל. day shoot дневная съёмка
14.12.2022 18:43:49 כלל. night shoot ночная съёмка
12.12.2022 20:58:58 כלל. the in-crowd модная тусовка ( fashionable people; top people : I was never part of the sixties in-crowd. to be in with the in-crowd)
12.12.2022 20:22:52 כלל. charge воспитанник (If you describe someone as your charge, they have been given to you to be looked after and you are responsible for them. : The coach tried to get his charges motivated.)
11.12.2022 19:01:42 כלל. hang быть повешенным (He hanged for his crimes; It is right that their murderers should hang.)
11.12.2022 18:29:26 כלל. conscience stricken терзаемый совестью
11.12.2022 18:28:52 כלל. moonstruck не в себе (mentally or emotionally disturbed)
10.12.2022 19:55:07 כלל. selective buyer разборчивый покупатель
10.12.2022 19:37:31 כלל. inclusive включительно (After stating the first and last item in a set of things, you can add inclusive to make it clear that the items stated are included in the set.: Training will commence on 5 October, running from Tuesday to Saturday inclusive.)
30.11.2022 18:30:47 כלל. hoard food запасаться едой
20.11.2022 20:25:10 כלל. bribe-taking получение взятки
14.11.2022 23:02:33 כלל. comfort eater тот, кто " заедает стресс "
10.11.2022 23:26:43 .ארצות reduct сокращать (/rɪˈdʌkt/ = to reduce)
10.11.2022 23:26:27 .ארצות reduct уменьшать (/rɪˈdʌkt/ = to reduce)
1.11.2022 0:20:46 כלל. indigenous отечественного производства
31.10.2022 22:33:56 כלל. pull up упрекать (to tell someone that they have done something wrong: : She's always pulling me up for/on/over my bad spelling. )
30.10.2022 22:23:32 כלל. slack off халтурить (to do something with less effort or energy than before : I was exercising regularly last summer, but I've been slacking off recently.)
21.09.2022 23:53:41 כלל. hold out for дожидаться лучшего варианта
17.09.2022 9:03:46 כלל. tenuous equilibrium хрупкое равновесие
25.08.2022 20:26:43 כלל. the finish до победного конца (to the finish = Until the complete defeat of one of the parties involved. : ‘I think he'll fight to the finish and will do everything possible to ensure he doesn't get captured.’)
25.08.2022 14:41:41 כלל. purposefully нарочно
24.08.2022 13:54:30 pitched battle ожесточённый бой
19.07.2022 16:57:44 .קוסמט threading тридинг (коррекция бровей нитью по особой технологии)
19.07.2022 16:55:25 .קוסמט thread удалять волосы нитью (Pluck hairs from (the eyebrows or another part of the body) using a twisted cotton thread.: ‘I had my eyebrows threaded today’)
31.05.2022 18:29:30 כלל. syphon from незаконно выводить (Draw off or transfer over a period of time, especially illegally or unfairly. : ‘he's been siphoning money off the firm’)
26.05.2022 19:42:52 כלל. inflame the situation накалять обстановку (‘Instead, the minister's comments seem to have inflamed the situation.’)
24.05.2022 13:00:22 כלל. be on course to do something вероятно достичь чего-либо (on course for/to do something – Likely to achieve something.: ‘He predicts that the group is already on course to achieve £8.5m profits in the current financial year.’)
24.05.2022 12:51:11 כלל. go off script пойти не по плану (In a manner that deviates from or does not use the given script. Frequently in "to go off-script". Also (and now often) figurative.)
6.05.2022 20:58:47 כלל. pending work незаконченная работа
1.05.2022 17:06:00 כלל. stonewall уклоняться от ответа (Delay or obstruct (a request, process, or person) by refusing to answer questions or by being evasive. : ‘she has also stonewalled queries about her love life’)
25.04.2022 19:32:25 fall short of не достичь цели о снаряде (of a missile) fail to reach its target. : ‘An Iraqi surface-to-surface missile that was being fired at our troops fell short of its target.’)
25.04.2022 17:55:13 כלל. impinge on отрицательно сказаться на (to have a clear and definite effect on something/somebody, especially a bad one: He never allowed his work to impinge on his private life.)
22.04.2022 22:07:33 כלל. untraditional нетрадиционный (not adhering to past practices or conventions : not traditional: a recipe for paella containing the hitherto untraditional combination of chicken and shrimp.)
4.04.2022 18:07:08 כלל. out of station не на месте (away; not present in a place: : I am at present out of station and will reply on my return.)
21.03.2022 20:18:17 כלל. high and mightiness высокомерие
21.03.2022 20:18:17 כלל. high and mightiness надменность
18.03.2022 17:18:49 be in service with находиться на вооружении
18.03.2022 17:18:49 be in use with находиться на вооружении
16.03.2022 16:34:09 launch a strike against наносить удар по
4.03.2022 12:08:32 כלל. pour weapons into накачивать вооружением
4.03.2022 12:08:19 כלל. pour weapons into накачивать вооружением
4.03.2022 12:06:59 כלל. funnel arms into накачивать вооружением
4.03.2022 12:06:42 כלל. funnel arms into накачивать оружием
4.03.2022 12:06:42 כלל. pour weapons into накачивать оружием
4.03.2022 9:59:34 כלל. cough up неохотно заплатить (to produce or give something unwillingly, esp. money : I had to cough up $85 for a parking fine.)
23.02.2022 15:42:28 כלל. releasing false narratives вброс информации
18.02.2022 19:10:25 .תְעוּ aircraft registration бортовой номер
18.02.2022 19:07:25 כלל. reproach oneself корить себя за что-либо (for smth./ with smth.)
18.02.2022 13:26:59 כלל. midwife помочь осуществить (Help to bring about.: ‘Every significant new publishing phenomenon has been midwifed by a great leap forward in printing technology.’)
11.02.2022 0:00:25 כלל. panache удаль (Flamboyant confidence of style or manner)
10.02.2022 14:16:04 כלל. fall by the wayside сойти на нет (if something falls by the wayside, people stop doing it, making it, or using it)
31.01.2022 23:02:05 כלל. allyship поддержка (supportive association with another person or group)
29.01.2022 22:40:44 כלל. newly coined word неологизм
29.01.2022 19:43:58 כלל. unicorn нечто редкое и очень ценное (Something that is highly desirable but difficult to find or obtain. : ‘an album like this is something of a unicorn')
28.01.2022 20:01:57 כלל. for the record для справки
27.01.2022 22:41:37 כלל. rubber-stamp одобрить автоматически без надлежащего рассмотрения (Approve automatically without proper consideration. : ‘parliament merely rubber-stamped the decisions of the party')
27.01.2022 21:31:07 כלל. dummy government марионеточное правительство
27.01.2022 21:23:49 כלל. forced resolution of conflict силовое решение конфликта
16.01.2022 22:08:40 כלל. leave one's mark on the world оставить след в истории (I chose to pursue a career in medical research so that I might someday leave my mark on the world with a groundbreaking discovery.)
10.01.2022 22:36:11 כלל. smashing defeat сокрушительное поражение
21.12.2021 0:45:58 mock enemy условный противник
20.12.2021 18:20:40 .צִיוּ featherweight пушинка (что-либо очень лёгкое)
19.12.2021 13:20:47 כלל. bid стремление (to do stmth. An attempt or effort to achieve something : he made a bid for power in 1984 • The council has banned cars from the city centre in a bid to reduce pollution. cambridge.org)
17.12.2021 0:25:04 כלל. cross between нечто среднее между ... (a cross between) – A mixture or compromise of two things. : ‘the system is a cross between a monorail and a conventional railway')
16.12.2021 10:33:58 כלל. Defense Chief руководитель оборонного ведомства страны
14.12.2021 22:36:01 כלל. cloud the outlook for омрачать перспективы для ...
14.12.2021 15:20:07 כלל. exacerbate tensions обострить отношения
14.12.2021 14:38:38 כלל. bullet point list маркированный список
14.12.2021 14:29:00 כלל. proving ground благоприятная почва (breeding/fertile/proving ground – a situation in which something develops quickly or successfully)

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