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well-placed sourceacentos
gen. надёжный источник (A well-placed source disclosed that the Duchess of Cambridge is “feeling really well” as she awaits the birth of her first child 4uzhoj); хорошо осведомлённый источник (In the meantime a message from a well-placed "source", high in the Army Weapons Department of the German War Office, had been received on 27 August 1943. 4uzhoj)
estilo d. источник, знакомый с ситуацией ("Calls were being made by some Bronx assistant district attorneys," says a well-placed source. 4uzhoj)
medios. хорошо информированный источник (Anglophile); информированный источник (A well-placed source disclosed that the Duchess of Cambridge is "feeling really well" as she awaits the birth of her first child 4uzhoj); высокопоставленный источник (ssn); информированный источник (4uzhoj)