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SRU abbr.
abrev. Societe de Raffinage d'Uranium; Strategic Response Unit (полицейский спецназ в сериале Flashpoint hizman)
abrev., com. Subassembly Repairable Unit
abrev., educ., cient. Sanitarium Research University; Slippery Rock University
abrev., equip. smallest replaceable unit
abrev., escoc. Shop-Replacable Unit; Slip Ring Unit
abrev., IT Shared Resource Unit
abrev., kárat. specialized repair unit
abrev., logíst. shop replaceable unit (ssn)
abrev., med. Society Of Radiologists In Ultrasound
abrev., medios. Speech Recognition Update
abrev., mil. Scientific Research Unit; Shop Replaceable Unit; Software Requirements Update; Ship Replaceable Unit
abrev., plant. sulfur recovery (MichaelBurov); sulfur recovery unit (MichaelBurov); sulfur regeneration (MichaelBurov); sulfur regeneration unit (MichaelBurov); sulphur recovery (MichaelBurov); sulphur recovery unit (MichaelBurov); sulphur regeneration (MichaelBurov); sulphur regeneration unit (MichaelBurov)
abrev., polím. self-recording unit; structural repeating unit
abrev., quím., cient. Sulphur Recovery Unit
abrev., sajal. Sulfur Recovery Unit
abrev., softw. stable release update (rustahm)
abrev., univ. Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania (MichaelBurov)
industr. shop-replaceable unit
mil. seaplane reconnaissance unit; signal recording unit; suspension and release units; system replaceable unit
tec. structural repeating units
SRUS abbr.
abrev., med. Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome
SRU abbr.
abrev., avia. self recording unit; servo repeater unit; shop repairable unit
abrev., cienc. self refrigerated unit
abrev., electr. sending-receiving unit; subscriber radio unit
abrev., espac. space replaceable units
abrev., mil. search and rescue unit
abrev., petról. signal responder unit; sulfur-recovery unit
abrev., sajal. sulphur recovery unit
abrev., tec. Search and Rescue Unit
abrev., telecom. subscriber response unit
abrev., univ. Slippery Rock University (MichaelBurov)
mil., abrev. shop replaceable unit