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Leningrad Blockadeacentos
gen. блокада Ленинграда (The Siege of Leningrad, also known as the Leningrad Blockade (Russian: блокада Ленинграда, transliteration: blokada Leningrada, German: Leningrader Blockade) was a prolonged military blockade undertaken mainly by the German Army Group North against Leningrad, historically and currently known as Saint Petersburg, in the Eastern Front theatre of World War II. The siege started on 8 September 1941, when the last road to the city was severed. Although the Soviets managed to open a narrow land corridor to the city on 18 January 1943, the siege was finally lifted on 27 January 1944, 872 days after it began. It was one of the longest and most destructive sieges in history and possibly the costliest in terms of casualties. WK. В пользу этого перевода говорит выбор русского термина – "блокада", а не "осада". Этот термин употребляется, в частности, в книге " The Bronze Horseman" американской писательницы Paullina Simons, родившейся в Ленинграде.One can also say that the Leningrad blockade was broken in November 1941 over Lake Ladoga and over land in January 1943 but the siege wasn't lifted until January 1944. Alexander Demidov)
hist. Блокада Ленинграда (Ballistic)