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gen. smear campaign (a deliberate plan to tell untrue stories about an important person in order to make people lose respect for them – used especially in newspapers.▪ However, Melancia maintained that he was the innocent victim of a politically motivated smear campaign. ▪ Republicans accused the Democrats of launching a smear campaign. ▪ The smear campaign involved unsigned leaflets circulated around Fintown, Glenties, Doochary and Lettermacaward. ▪ The smear campaign was also extended to political and other organisations associated with the majority cause. LDOCE. An effort to damage or call into question someone's reputation, by propounding negative propaganda. His opponent said it was all a smear campaign to make him look bad in the eyes of the voters. WT Alexander Demidov); smear campaigning (Smear campaigning is related to propaganda, media bias, yellow journalism, and other falsehood-related terms such as the use of libel and pejorative terms. WK Alexander Demidov)