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lien 21.05.2010 9:50 
Sujet: пожалуйста помогите отредактировать, очень срочно надо.
Компания «Интервэйл-Казахстан» рада пригласить Ваc на 17-ю Международную Центрально-Азиатскую Выставку Телекоммуникаций, Компьютерных и Информационных Технологий «KITEL 2010» (http://www.kitel.kz) , которая состоится 25 – 27 мая, 2010 г. в Международном Центре Делового Сотрудничества «Атакент», г. Алматы, Казахстан.
Номер стенда компании «Интервэйл-Казахстан» - К08.

Наша компания представит на выставке новые решения в области мобильных технологий, для банков, мобильных операторов, поставщиков услуг (торгово-сервисных предприятий), страховых компаний, пенсионных фондов, ПИФов. Будут представлены запущенные версии наших продуктов в различных банках.

Мы будем рады увидеть Вас в числе наших гостей и надеемся, что посещение этого мероприятия окажется для Вас всесторонне полезным.

Intervale-Kazakhstan is pleased to extend to You this invitation to attend the 17th International Central Asian Exhibition of Telecommunication, Computer and Informational Technologies “KITEL 2010” (http://www.kitel.kz), which will take place on May 25-27th, 2010 in International Business Center “Atakent”, Almaty, Kazakhstan. The Intervale-Kazakhstan Company’s stand number – K08.
Our Company shall exhibit innovations in a field of mobile technologies for banks, mobile operators, service providers (retailer and service outlets), insurance companies, pension funds, mutual funds. Launched versions of our products in different banks shall also be on display.
Our Company shall exhibit innovations in a field of mobile technologies for banks, mobile operators, service providers (retailer and service outlets), insurance companies, pension funds, mutual funds. Launched versions of our products in different banks shall also be on display.
We will be glad to see You among our guests and we hope that attending this event will turns out to You as beneficial in every aspect.

Подкажите плиз, можно ли такой перевод отдавать? или нужно подкорректировать? Спасибо огромное зарание!


lien 21.05.2010 10:12 
ВСЕ коренным образом ПЕРЕДЕЛАТЬ!
Чтобы сделать нормальный текст, возьмите за образец нечто аналогичное, написанное для других участников выставки.


lien 21.05.2010 10:13 
it's not THAT bad

try top make it simple....avoid very complex sentences


is pleased to extend to You this invitation to attend the - is pleased to invite you to attened....

Our Company shall exhibit - At the exhibition our company will present
pension funds - retirement funds
shall also be on display - will be displayed

*we hope that attending this event will turns out to You as beneficial in every aspect.*
as what?

we hope this event will be beneficial to you in every aspect


lien 21.05.2010 10:14 
я не знаю где такое найти... аналогичное(((


lien 21.05.2010 10:17 
try to google "international forums/events/exhibits invitations"


lien 21.05.2010 10:20 
For starters:
Intervale-Kazakhstan is pleased to extend to invite you to the 17th International Central Asian Telecommunication, Computer and Informational Technologies Exhibition “KITEL 2010” (http://www.kitel.kz), which will take place 25-27 May 2010 at the International Business Center “Atakent”, Almaty, Kazakhstan.


lien 21.05.2010 10:21 
Intervale-Kazakhstan is to invite you to the 17th International


lien 21.05.2010 10:21 


lien 21.05.2010 10:22 

Intervale-Kazakhstan Company will be at stand number K08.

Our Company will exhibit innovations in mobile technologies for banks, mobile operators, service providers (retailer and service outlets), insurance companies, pension funds, and mutual funds.


lien 21.05.2010 10:26 

Launched versions of our products used by different banks will also be on display.

We look forward to seeing you there and hope that attending this event will prove beneficial for you.


lien 21.05.2010 10:27 

Launched versions of our products used by different banks will also be on display.

We look forward to seeing you there and hope that attending this event will prove beneficial for you.


lien 21.05.2010 10:48 
Intervale Kazakhstan (без дефиса)
You = you (со строчной)
KITEL 2010, the 17th International Central Asian Exhibition of Telecommunication, Computer and InformatiON Technologies
on May 25-27, 2010, in the Atakent International Business Center
Booth K08.


lien 21.05.2010 13:33 
25-27 May 2010


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