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PRM скор.
абрев. Partner Relationship Management; Peoples Republic of Maryland; Portola Railroad Museum; Price Risk Margin; Passenger with Reduced Mobility (Пассажир с ограниченными физическими возможностями DAKK); person with reduced mobility (trtrtr); Presidential Review Memorandum; Pressure Remnant Magnetization; priming; primary reference material (igisheva); proposed reference material (igisheva); protected-resource manager
абрев., IT Parameters; Performance Report Message
абрев., авто. pump relay motor
абрев., авіац. precision radar monitoring; preferred route message; Professional Risk Manager; product relationship model; preparation and revision of MBOM
абрев., бізн. premium
абрев., бірж. Primedia, Inc.
абрев., військ. Personnel Readiness Manager; Precision Runway Monitoring; Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (DOS); Presidential review memorandum
абрев., військ., авіац. parallel runway monitor
абрев., дор.рух revolutions per minute
абрев., ел. partial response modulation; phase reversal modulation; photorefractive material; positron reemission microscope; preliminary result message; processor mode; protocol reference model; pulse reflection mode operation
абрев., зв’яз. premium rate service
абрев., землезн. payload regulator module; piezoremanent magnetization; prescriptive reservoir model; programming and resources management
абрев., комп., мереж., IT Process Resource Manager
абрев., контр.як. project reliability management; project reliability manager
абрев., корп.упр. pensionable remuneration multiplier
абрев., крипт. performance reference model
абрев., мед. Premature Rupture of Membrane; Prime; premature rupture of the membranes
абрев., нафт. production reference manual; pressure remanent magnetism; pressure remanent magnetization; prefect reliability management
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал.р. Pipe Rack Module
абрев., опт. pulse rate modulation
абрев., прогр. Purdue reference model for computer-integrated manufacturing (ssn)
абрев., телеком. premium rate (ssn)
абрев., тех. project reporting manual; pulse-rate multiplication
абрев., трансп. Precision Runway Monitor
абрев., фізіол. Polymyalgia RheuMatica
абрев., хір. proximal resection margin (Ying)
військ. payload retention mechanism; personal radiation monitor; pilot's radio manual; portable radiation monitor; programming and resource management; publications requirements manager
енерг. progress review meeting
нафт.газ plant resource manager
тех. petition for rulemaking; power range monitor; process radiation monitor; program review model; proposal for rulemaking; protective radio modulation
prm скор.
абрев. parameter; prime
prm. скор.
абрев., торг. premium