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до фраз
тусовщик імен.наголоси
заг. punter (Alexander Demidov); party animal (Aelred); party goer (DC); partyer (jollyhamster); clubbist (Taras); party boy (mejevika); clubber (Taras); partygoer (Гевар); socialite (-ца; e.g., Paris Hilton; In October, she [K.Sobchak] turned a video camera on Vasily G. Yakemenko, the minister of youth affairs, in an exorbitantly expensive Moscow restaurant, noting in her starlet’s purr that while socialites were expected to drink Champagne at $45 a glass, government officials were a different story. NYT Bullfinch)
амер. partier (Халеев)
жарт. dirty stop out (Gilbert)
конт. mixer (A.Rezvov)
розм. party person (denghu); hanger-on (someone who spends a lot of time around a place, or group Val_Ships); reveller (sankozh)
Игорь Миг, розм. clubby
тусовщики імен.
заг. glitterati (The crowd are a mix of the city's glitterati pulled in, willingly one imagines, to give it the stamp of exclusivity – artists, fashion designers, businesswomen, and the ebullient popstar Tatyana Bulanova. BBC Alexander Demidov)
Тусовщик імен.
розм. Scenester (['seen-ste(r)], youthspeak Tverskaya)
тусовщик: 2 фрази в 2 тематиках
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