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молодец! імен.наголоси
заг. cheers; hot dog!
емоц. good on you! (Good on you! ART Vancouver)
розм. well done!; good job! (Юрий Гомон); nice work (just_green); at-a-boy; way to go! (Anglophile); that's a dear!; that's a good boy!; well played! (Anglophile); good for you (Baihu); genius! (при выражении неудовольствия, упрека ladyhayes); nicely done! (Юрий Гомон); bravo! (Liv Bliss); bully for you!; good man (Moscow Cat); that's my boy (Anglophile); attaboy! (careless pronunciation of "that's the boy!" Anglophile); attagirl! (к девочке Yokky); that's my girl (Yokky); good going! (Liv Bliss); Atta boy! (Andrey Truhachev); that's the shot!; good on you, mate!; that's the boy!; you did it! (ART Vancouver); good effort (slitely_mad); well done; fair play to someone (~ to someone Brit. an expression of approval when someone has done the right thing. Shakermaker); you did well (4uzhoj); Nice going! (в т.ч. с сарказмом Andrey Truhachev); attababy! (george serebryakov); there's a good lad (ad_notam); perfect timing (похвала уложившемуся в отведенное время; исключительно в контексте 4uzhoj); way to be! (Virgelle); onya! (/ˈɒnjə/ An exclamation of approval; (сокр. от good on you!) OLGA P.); that's going some (Баян); there's a good fellow (Bartek2001)
сарк. that was nice! (That was nice! That woman just cut me off when I was crossing with the stroller. Lazy bastard. ART Vancouver)
сленг Bravo Zulu (slitely_mad)
Игорь Миг, розм. good boy! (поощрительно: ребенку, собаке и пр.)
молодец імен.
заг. brick; sport; regular fellow; a broth of a boy; a good egg; clever cookie; good egg; clever cooky; good on you (австрал. Yokky); cheers; fine girl; well; real trooper (Tanya Gesse); nice job (Nice job! -- Молодец! ART Vancouver); fellow; swanky; good boy; fine young fellow (Какой молодец ... – 'He would say "Egad! A fine young fellow, this Fittleworth!" would he not?' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
застар. bawcock; swankie
літ., казк. bonny lad (Sergei Aprelikov)
народн. buck
розм. crackerjack (Andrey Truhachev); lad; trooper (is used to describe a brave, courageous person, someone who is able to make it through something difficult, one who endures adversity or hardship with an attitude of stoicism and persistence : Jeff stood in the cold rain for 40 minutes just to greet war veterans coming to his hometown. He's a real trooper! ART Vancouver)
сарк. bad egg
сленг whiz-bang; whiz; whizz; nut; thatta girl (высказывание похвалы или одобрения за какое-то действие. Относится к девушкам. Deska); the man (ударение на "е" TarasZ)
молоде́ц імен.
Gruzovik fine fellow; fine girl
Gruzovik, застар. servant; shop assistant; waiter; messenger; errand boy; flunkey
Gruzovik, розм. tough (a violent person; a rowdy person; a hoodlum; a thug); rogue
мо́лодец імен.
Gruzovik, поет. brave person; daring person; young man
молодец!! імен.
брит. you are a good brick (kristy021)
"молодец" імен.
брит. Nice one (ad_notam)
молодцом імен.
заг. that is the spirit (КГА); gallantly; with dash; pluckily; bravely
розм. that's the spirit (Clepa)
ідіом. like a Trojan (храбро, не жалуясь и не сдаваясь Sclex)
Молодец! імен.
заг. you are doing great (lady_west)
розм. there you go (Technical); you rock! (VLZ_58); that's the way! (VLZ_58)
ідіом. you made it! (Kosarar)
ірл.мов. Fair play to ya! (см. Well done! Taras)
молодцы! імен.
заг. geronimo; you guys are great! (ART Vancouver)
поліц. way to go, officers! (одобрительная реплика в адрес полицейских: CBS News Alex_Odeychuk)
розм. way to go! (в знач. "так держать!" Lu4ik)
сарк. way to go, guys! (Thanks Mr Mayor! So you’re going to have a city exclusively for filthy rich Chinese immigrants and old white folks so young low-income Canadian workers can come here from Surrey and PoCo to serve them hot food, walk their dogs and take away their garbage? Way to go guys! – Ну вы и молодцы! ART Vancouver)
молодцо́м імен.
Gruzovik pluckily; with dash; bravely; gallantly
молодца! імен.
розм. you the man (fa158); kudos! (Damirules)
сленг BZ (slitely_mad); Bravo Zulu (slitely_mad)
молодцы імен.
заг. good job everyone (Анна Ф)
сленг way to go! (Lu4ik)
Молодцы! імен.
заг. Attagals! (VLZ_58); Attaguys! (VLZ_58)
молодца імен.
розм. kudos (в качестве отдельного возгласа vogeler)
молодец імен.
сарк. great work (выражая неодобрение: "Thousands of cancellations of visits to British Columbia this summer as tourists are forced to make other plans. Courtesy of the BC NDP who are shutting down long-time, legal vacation rentals across BC May 1st." "Great work, NDP. If the real estate market is slow this spring, we definitely need tourism." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
сленг tough cookie (уважительно: "Did Princess Anne show up?" "She’s by far and has always been the hardest working Royal. She is certainly one tough cookie!" (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
молодцы імен.
сарк. great work (выражая неодобрение: "Thousands of cancellations of visits to British Columbia this summer as tourists are forced to make other plans. Courtesy of the BC NDP who are shutting down long-time, legal vacation rentals across BC May 1st." "Great work, NDP. If the real estate market is slow this spring, we definitely need tourism." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
молодец: 157 фраз в 18 тематиках
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Британський вираз не написання1
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