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земельные участки, находящиеся в муниципальной собственностинаголоси
заг. plots of land which are in municipal ownership (ABelonogov)
бізн. municipal lands (all the land located within the city limits. In the USSR the legal regulation of municipal lands is established by the Basic Principles of Land Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics of 1968 and by legislation of the Union republics (for example, in the RSFSR, the Statute on Land Management in the Cities of 1925). The statutes concerning the legal regulation of municipal lands extend to lands occupied by all populated areas included in the category of urban-type settlements by the legislation of the Union republics–that is, workers' settlements, country house areas, and health resorts.The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. The investigators also found that two patwaris were involved in the illegal selling of municipal lands. Land " grabbed" by Daler reclaimed by Mail Today (New Delhi, India) thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov); municipally owned land (that was formerly used for agricultural purposes and that is watershed land or is located adjacent to watershed land may use such municipally owned land for ... Alexander Demidov); municipal land (Rental of municipal land brings 300 mln som to Bishkek's budget by AKIpress News Agency. TFD Alexander Demidov)