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заткнуть дієсл.наголоси
заг. buckle in; shove a sock down one's throat (кого-либо; принудить кого-либо заткнуться; заставить кого-либо заткнуться; см. также: put a sock in it; shove a sock in it; shove down throat: Jones said Mr Morrison should "shove a sock down her throat" during the tirade on 2GB radio com.au Mr. Wolf); cork up; shut sb. up (кого-л.); cork; tuck; bung; caulk; obturate; plug; stuff (he stuffed his fingers into his ears – он заткнул уши пальцами); stopper; stopple; choke up; obstruct; stick; thrust; stop; slip; calk; knock into a cocked hat (кого-либо)
Gruzovik stop up (pf of затыка́ть)
груб. shut up (кого-либо Юрий Гомон)
гірн. plug up
Макаров stop up
розм. begin to address as "ты"; begin to point (at); begin to poke finger (at); kibosh (mazurov); slam (MichaelBurov)
сленг put the kibosh on someone or something; throw a bone (кого-либо; Jeez, would someone please throw her a bone?! If I have to listen to her suck up to the boss one more time I'm going to scream! VLZ_58); kybosh (mazurov)
заткнуться дієсл.
заг. belt up; caulk; jump in the lake; bite one's tongue (Franka_LV); keep one's mouth shut (Franka_LV); hold one's tongue (Franka_LV); back off; bung; obstruct; plug; stick; stop up; thrust; thrust behind; be corked; be stopped up; button one's lip; shut the fuck up (выражение, которое не рекомендуется применять в приличном обществе)
амер. zip one's lip (амер.сленг essj)
амер., сленг choke up
груб. shut up (Юрий Гомон); shut one's pie hole (You should shut your pie hole. ART Vancouver)
груб., Макаров shut one's face; shut one's head
груб., ідіом. dry up (to stop talking: Sick of her constant complaining, he angrily told her to dry up. В.И.Макаров)
Макаров bite one's tongue; keep one's mouth shut; shut up (замолчать)
Макаров, сленг belt up (обыкн. в повел. наклонении); put a sock in it; sign off
образн. wind one's neck in (MichaelBurov); wind their neck in (MichaelBurov)
прост. pipe down; put a sock on it (Супру)
розм. begin to address as "ты"; begin to point (at); begin to poke finger (at); zip up (VLZ_58); keep gob shut (ad_notam); shut pan (george serebryakov); button up (Hey, button up! That's enough out of you. Val_Ships); keep one’s mouth shut
сленг button up one's lip; chuck; drink one's beer; quee down; rest one's Jaw; belt up (обыкн. в повёл. накл.); roll up one's flaps (He told him to roll up his flaps – Он велел ему заткнуться Alex Lilo); calk; button one's lip; zip it (Hey, man! What are you talking 'bout?! Just zip it! == Эй, приятель, ты что несёшь?! А ну, заткнись!); zip one's lip (Hey, man! What are you talking 'bout?! Just zip it! == Эй, приятель, ты что несёшь?! А ну, заткнись!)
ідіом. drop dead (Yeldar Azanbayev)
заткнись! дієсл.
заг. belt up!; can it!; choke up!; dry up!; keep your clapper shut!; shoot that!; shut up your potato-trap!; sound off!; stow it!; shut your trap!; nark it! (Anglophile); knock it off! (akimboesenko); close your head!; hold your jaw!; shut one's mouth
австрал. Shut ya gob (collegia)
амер., груб. oh, come off it!
військ., жарг. batten the hatch! (MichaelBurov)
груб. shut up your shop!; hold your mouth!; keep your trap shut! (Andrey Truhachev); button your yap! (Andrey Truhachev); belt up! Br. (Andrey Truhachev)
розм. shut your bazoo! (also: wazoo); shut the fuck up, dude!; shut your puss! (Am. Andrey Truhachev); shaddup! shut up! Br. (Andrey Truhachev); shut your gob! (Br. Andrey Truhachev); put a sock in it! (Br. Andrey Truhachev); stow it! (esp. Br. Andrey Truhachev)
сленг cut it out!; cut the month; drag in your rope; get lost!; hangup; pipe down; Pull in your ears!; Pull in your neck!; rest one's Jaw your; shut up!; stow the gab; tie off; drop head; ring off!; turn it up!; button your lip! (Anglophile); go home; shut your face! (Anglophile); shut the front door! (цензурный вариант "shut the fuck up" ashtray_heart); shove a sock in it (Beforeyouaccuseme); fuck off!; knock it off! (MichaelBurov)
сленг, Макаров go to bed!
заткнись дієсл.
заг. shut up; shut your mouth (Рина Грант); drop head; put a lid on it (I'm tired of listening to your complaints, so just put a lid on it! vogeler)
амер. hush (Voledemar)
вульг. fuck up (от shut up, редко Oleg Sollogub)
груб. stop your gab; Stuff it! (used by Chuck Palanhniuk in his novel called "Tell All" Tetiana Diakova); put a sock in it (VLZ_58); cork it (VLZ_58); put a cork in it (VLZ_58); zip your lips (VLZ_58); shut your pie hole (VLZ_58)
розм. zip it (atrox)
сленг Ara be whist (Franka_LV); shut your mush (Beforeyouaccuseme)
шотл.вир. haud yer wheesht (источник: YouTube video "Gerard Butler Teaches You Scottish Slang" SergeyLetyagin)
Заткнись! дієсл.
заг. Shut the hell up! (Interex)
амер. Shut your yap! (Taras); Shut your hole! (груб. Taras)
розм. button it (Дмитрий_Р); Cut the cackle! (Taras); Bag it! (Также есть вариант "bag your face". VLZ_58)
сленг Get out of town! (Interex); Stuff a sock in it! (Interex)
ідіом. Tell it to the hand; Talk to the hand, because the face ain't listening (Wakeful dormouse); Talk to the hand, because the ears ain't listening (Wakeful dormouse)
заткнуться! дієсл.
заг. close one's head; close your head!
заткнутый дієприкм.
авто. plugged
"заткнуться" дієсл.
груб. caulk
заткнут дієсл.
заг. stop up (pf of затыка́ть)
заткнитесь! дієсл.
сленг ring off!
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