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public right of wayнаголоси
заг. общедоступная улица, дорога, проезжая часть, тротуар (и т.п.; в отличие от прилегающей к ним частной земли или частного земельного участка eugenealper)
бізн. полоса отвода (1.a way where the public has a right to walk, and in some cases ride horses, bicycles, motorcycles or drive motor vehicles, which will be designated either as a footpath, a bridleway, a road used as a public path (RUPP) or a byway. Found on 2. A public right of way gives access to an area of land to any member of the public. The right of access to the land only extends to the boundaries of the footpath however and land owners may prosecute for trespass should people stray from the path. A public right of way contrasts a permissive ... Found on – PROW lawsonfairbank.co.uk, encyclo.co.uk Alexander Demidov); полоса отчуждения; полоса отвода (1.a way where the public has a right to walk, and in some cases ride horses, bicycles, motorcycles or drive motor vehicles, which will be designated either as a footpath, a bridleway, a road used as a public path (RUPP) or a byway. Found on 2. A public right of way gives access to an area of land to any member of the public. The right of access to the land only extends to the boundaries of the footpath however and land owners may prosecute for trespass should people stray from the path. A public right of way contrasts a permissive ... Found on – АД, PROW lawsonfairbank.co.uk, encyclo.co.uk)
public right of way: 4 фрази в 3 тематиках
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