
Терміни за тематикою Неврологія що містять To | усі форми | лише в заданій формі
finger-to-nose testпальце-носовая проба (albokrinov)
heel-to-shin testingпяточно-коленная проба (Min$draV)
localize to painлокализовать боль (Пытаться рукой устранить причину боли, при этом рука пациента должна двигаться к источнику боли. True localizing is defined as the patient bringing his arm to the site of pain. Withdrawing from pain, or withdrawal, is where the patient typically flexes his arms toward the pain; however, he does not make a "purposeful" attempt to remove the pain or move his arms beyond chin level. CopperKettle)
the patient localizes to painпациент локализует боль (Пытаться рукой устранить причину боли, при этом рука пациента должна двигаться к источнику боли. True localizing is defined as the patient bringing his arm to the site of pain. Withdrawing from pain, or withdrawal, is where the patient typically flexes his arms toward the pain; however, he does not make a "purposeful" attempt to remove the pain or move his arms beyond chin level. CopperKettle)