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Терміни у тематиці Океанологія та океанографія (2299 статей)
Atmospheric Collection Equipment ACE
Aerosol Characterization Experiment ACE
Advanced Computing Group ACG
Aeronautical Charting and Information Center ACIC
Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment ACME
Advisory Committee of Experts on Marine Resources Research ACMRR
Association of Commissioned Officers ACO
Australian Community Ocean Model ACOM
Aviation Division AD
Average Daily Flow ADF
Advanced Development Facility ADF
Administrator's Discretionary Fund ADF
Asian Dust Input to the Oceanic System ADIOS
Aerially Deposited Lead ADL
Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center AEIDC
Association of Ecosystem Research Centers AERC
Airborne Experiment to Study Ozone Production AESOP
Auto Focus AF
Alternative Fluorocarbons Environmental Acceptability Study AFEAS
Air Force Global Weather Center AFGWC