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bailiwick ['beɪlɪwɪk] Sub.Betonungen
Allg. судебный округ
Gesch. юрисдикция бейлифа; округ бейлифа; округ или юрисдикция бейлифа; должность бейлифа
übertr., altmod. епархия (the sphere in which one has superior knowledge or authority: … concerns at the spy agency that the Pentagon is intruding into its traditional bailiwick. Баян); сфера компетенции; знакомая область; волость (Caithey); сфера знаний (Pippy-Longstocking); юрисдикция (Some asked about issues largely outside Bustos's federal bailiwick – the state tax burden, for instance, or violent crime in Peoria neighborhoods. Pippy-Longstocking); сфера интересов (I established the fairly well-understood pattern that affairs of state were not in my bailiwick. Pippy-Longstocking); предмет интереса (Pippy-Longstocking); специализация (a person's area of skill, knowledge, authority, or work: My bailiwick is international relations. Val_Ships); область; компетенция (Where else but here would someone respond to criticism with a growled "Proferring that assessment, sir, is far from your bailiwick," which spurs the low reply, "Far as that, I went ahead and profited anyway." 4uzhoj)
 Englisch Thesaurus
bailiwick ['beɪlɪwɪk] Sub.
Allg. the office or jurisdiction of a bailiff (merriam-webster.com)
Gesch. the district within which a bailie or bailiff has jurisdiction (The Bailiwick of Jersey. wiktionary.org)
übertr., altmod. a person's concern or sphere of operations, their area of skill or authority (Synonyms: domain, department, jurisdiction, sphere, territory, turf, pale: I established the fairly well-understood pattern that affairs of state were not in my bailiwick. wiktionary.org); area or subject of authority or involvement; the sphere in which one has superior knowledge or authority (a special domain: questions about organization of the fund drive are my bailiwick • … concerns at the spy agency that the Pentagon is intruding into its traditional bailiwick. • Her bailiwick as a child was the violin, but her stage act also included singing, dancing and even an escape-artistry act. • Reardon's usual focus is on using data from pulsar timing arrays to search for nanohertz-frequency gravitational waves, so magnets are a bit out of his bailiwick. merriam-webster.com); area of knowledge in which a person or institution has control or expertise (There is a faintly old-fashioned, even pedantic air to the term now, so use with caution.: My bailiwick is international relations. vocabulary.com)
übertr., selt. a geographical area over which someone or some body has legal or political control (though this is a less common meaning nowadays vocabulary.com)
bailiwick: 8 Phrasen in 2 Thematiken
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