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причитания Sub.Betonungen
Allg. coronach (в Ирландии); wailing (Notburga); wail; jeremiad (Mrs. Whinge waggled a finger at us and launched into a doleful jeremiad about how we would come to no good end. VLZ_58); hand-wringing (handwringing by some experts over the state of the economy • The "priest" reference is not a throwaway. This Times article is an extraordinary portrait of Obama and Brennan's intimate pas de deux in executing deadly drone and rendition policies, and it's a relationship that appears to many as saturated with theological significance. Obama, we are told, is "A student of writings on war by Augustine and Thomas Aquinas," who "believes that he should take moral responsibility for such actions." With Brennan's "blessing," of course: "Guided by Mr. Brennan, Mr. Obama …signs off on every [drone] strike." Of course, with the hectic pace of operations and all, any Obama-Brennan disputationes must be rather brief, since Obama "approves lethal action without hand-wringing." thepolemicist.net)
Makarow. snivel
причитание Sub.
Allg. lamentation; wail; deploration
Gruzovik, veralt. adding on to; numbering among; ranking among; imputation; imputing; attribution; insinuation
Mus. lamentation (один из древнейших музыкально-поэтических жанров народного творчества)
veralt. adding on (to); numbering (among); ranking (among)
 Russisch Thesaurus
причитания Sub.
Allg. жанр фольклора разных народов, традиционные элегические импровизации, связанные преимущественно с похоронами, свадебными, рекрутскими и другими обрядами, неурожаем, болезнью и т. п. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
причитания: 8 Phrasen in 4 Thematiken
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