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дорога ложка к обедуBetonungen
Allg. one does not sharpen the axes after the right time; one doesn't sharpen the axes after the right time; one doesn't sharpen the axes after the time they are needed
sprichw., kont. after meat, mustard (частичное соответствие)
Sprw. it's good to have mustard in time, not after dinner (contrast: after dinner (or meat), mustard. after death, the doctor. slow help is no help. when the house is burned down, you bring water. when a thing is done, advice comes too late. Used to mean: that is good what is in time); a spoon is dear when lunch time is near; he that is long a-giving knows not how to give; slow help is no help; while the grass grows the horse starves; timing is everything (VLZ_58)
Дорога ложка к обеду
idiom. one does not sharpen the axes after the time they are needed; A stitch in time saves nine (Alex Lilo)