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гулять V.Betonungen
Allg. make merry; walk; drab; hell; promenade; ramble; go for a walk; paint the town red; take a walk; go on the razzle-dazzle; take exercise; go on the razzle; go on the razzmatazz; go out on the town; hoof (Aly19); stroll around (stroll around Paris – гулять по Парижу markovka); walk around (markovka); walk about; burn up the town (В значении "веселиться" Alexander Oshis); be about (напр., по городу); sweep; go on a bat; be out for a walk (*Couple spots 'bus-sized' creature in Loch Ness* Corey Sturrock and his wife had been out for a walk when they spotted something very large in the water. "I have been camping and walking on Loch Ness my whole life and I have never believed in the Loch Ness monster," said Corey. (...) He described the creature as 'eel-like' but also 'the size of a bus'. -- гуляли unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver); path; go walking (sophistt); stroll; sport (изменять teterevaann); undertake a walk (Andrey Truhachev); go for a stroll (Andrey Truhachev); have a walk (Andrey Truhachev); have a ball (напр., на свадьбе yandex.ru dimock); saunter (в знач. "неспешно прогуливаться"; to stroll, or walk at a leisurely pace; to walk about in an idle or leisurely manner: One could lie under elm trees in a lawn, or saunter in meadows by the side of a stream. • Forget about strolling down to the shops to get a newspaper or sauntering in the park with the family on Sundays.)
Gruzovik lie awake (of a baby; impf of погулять); go with (impf of погулять; have sexual relation with); be untilled (of land); be uncultivated (of land); stroll
Игорь Миг tomcat
Amerik. make time with (someone – с кем-либо VLZ_58)
australisch., Slang. leg it
Biol. amble
Gruzovik, umg. go on the spree (impf of погулять); have time off; not to be working; have a good time (impf of погулять); lead a dissolute life (impf of погулять); make merry (impf of погулять); of land be untilled; of land be uncultivated; of a baby lie awake (impf of погулять)
idiom. live life like a long lost weekend (VLZ_58); hit the town (VLZ_58)
kont. splurge (Will you put her in an Uber for me, please? You know what, splurge (гуляем). Get an Uber Black. Shabe)
Makarow. be outdoors (проводить время на воздухе); ramble (без определённой цели)
Makarow., umg. go on the tiles; hell around; hoof it; toddle; be on the tiles
Slang. pub-crawl; joint hop; mope; be up the tiles; be upon the tiles; go up the tiles; go upon the tiles; hang (Alex Lilo); give it large (весело проводить время Юрий Гомон); have it large (весело проводить время Юрий Гомон); put out (SirReal); timber (вася1191); be go up the tiles; be go upon the tiles
Tech., umg. float (в знач. "иметь люфт" Spindel)
umg. go on a bar crawl (Yanick); hang out (с кем либо (чаще с друзьями) Rinienne); live it up (Юрий Гомон); hike; party (Andrey Truhachev); hang out with (с Andrey Truhachev); cruise; wander (изменять супругу, постоянному партнёру igisheva); play around (от супруга Andrey Truhachev); play about (от супруга Andrey Truhachev); have affairs (от супруга Andrey Truhachev); be out and about (esquimo); be off from work; have the day off; run around (with с + instr., with); take up (with); let it rip (VLZ_58); run around (Andrey Truhachev); run about (Andrey Truhachev); two-time (от супруга Andrey Truhachev); have a bit on the side (от супруга Andrey Truhachev); have an affair (от супруга Andrey Truhachev); cheat on (от супруга; someone Andrey Truhachev); stray (от супруга; have an affair Andrey Truhachev); carouse (Andrey Truhachev)
Volksm. keep company with (с кем-либо)
übertr. philander (SirReal)
"гулять" V.
Allg. revel
grob. walk out (with; с кем-либо)
Makarow., umg., Amerik. go together (с девушкой, парнем)
Makarow., veralt. walk out (с кем-либо)
umg. sleep around (Tamerlane)
гуляй V.
Amerik. get lost (гуляй Ваня; завтра баня. Maggie); take a hike (Maggie); go away (Maggie); get away (Maggie)
grob., brit. engl. piss off! (Artjaazz)
Gruzovik, Gesch. galapago; testudo
Slang. bog off (British Artjaazz); be off (Artjaazz); bugger off! (Artjaazz); buzz off (Artjaazz); clean out (Artjaazz); clear off (Artjaazz); get off (Artjaazz); get out (Artjaazz); hop off (Artjaazz); push along (Artjaazz); clear out (Artjaazz); sod (Artjaazz)
гуляющий Prtz.
Allg. walking; holiday-maker; holidayer; stroller; walker
Tourism. going for a walk; going for-walk
veralt. ambulative
гуляющие Prtz.
Gruzovik promenaders; strollers (those who walk at a leisurely pace; do not confuse with the small vehicles with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around)
гуляй! V.
grob., brit. engl. piss off! (Artjaazz)
hund. walk!
гуляться V.
Gruzovik feel like walking
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