
Термины по тематике Образно, содержащие для | все формы | только в заданной форме
для кого это будет интересноwho will benefit (в письмах. приглашениях на конференции и т.д. zhm-zoya)
для меня это не принципиальноI am not going to die on that hill (A key part of the meaning is the cost-benefit analysis. How high is the issue on your list of priorities, versus how high would be the cost of fighting that fight? In military terms, fighting up a hill, with the enemy above you, can cost much time and many lives. A military commander must judge whether taking that hill is worth the high cost.: An American comedian was asked about her views on marijuana legalization during an interview. She said she supported it, but she wasn't going to die on that hill. It wasn't high enough on her list that she should be putting herself out to support its recreational use. wordreference.com 'More)
критиковать кого-либо для галочкиpull one's punches (dykov)
критиковать кого-либо для проформыpull one's punches (dykov)
критиковать кого-либо для проформы / для галочкиpull one's punches
наносить удары для видимостиpull one's punches (dykov)
насадка на ножки для кроватиbed riser (vokar)
неожиданно для всех одержать победуpull off an upset win (Beforeyouaccuseme)
открыть возможность дляopen the door for (financial-engineer)
пища для размышленийpabulum for reflection
последняя капля дляthe final straw for (CNN, 2018 Alex_Odeychuk)
присутствовать "для мебели"kind of sit there (из статьи в ленте MSN: Charlie Sheen made his stance on Trump known in June, explaining on The Graham Norton Show, "I was at a dinner with my ex-wife Brooke [Mueller] and her family, and about halfway through I noticed Donald staring at my watch. He says, 'I want to give you an early wedding gift as a gesture from me and Melania' – and she doesn't say a word; she's very sweet and very pretty but she just kind of sits there andreon)
пространство для манёвраtrade space (Leshek)
Синоним для: to wander / to roam / to stray Archaicerr ("'Why wilt thou err from me?'" –Keble. What seemeth to you, if there were to a man an hundred sheep and one of them hath erred. –Wyclif (Matt. xviii. 12). nadyaim)
созданный для дела, призвания, находящийся на своём местеwired for (josser)
создано для этогоwritten all over it (Deska)
создать возможность дляopen the door for (financial-engineer)
способ, наиболее благоприятный для окружающей средыthe greenest way to (Buying something "used" that already exists is the greenest way to shop sankozh)
упорно трудиться над тем, для чего нужно много писать и читатьget head down (to work hard at something that involves reading or writing singeline)
что стало последней каплей дляthe final straw for (Alex_Odeychuk)
это китайская грамота для негоit's double-dutch to him (Leonid Dzhepko)
это китайская грамота для негоit's Greek to him (Leonid Dzhepko)