
 Англо-русский словарь - термины, добавленные пользователем ART Vancouver: 26.595  <<

7.06.2024 10:54:51 разг. what bugs me about her is меня раздражает в ней
7.06.2024 9:30:54 общ. combined value общая стоимость (Two men from Metro Vancouver are facing more than a dozen charges each after police recovered 29 stolen vehicles, many of them found in shipping containers at British Columbia ports. Investigators say the vehicles, which included Range Rovers and newer-model pickup trucks, were stolen from across the Lower Mainland region in recent months, using what police described as sophisticated technology. Mounties estimated the combined value of the stolen vehicles at $2.5 million. -- По оценкам полиции, общая стоимость угнанных автомашин составляет 2 500 000 дол. (bc.ctvnews.ca))
7.06.2024 9:19:22 астр. high-powered telescope мощный телескоп (Sightings of Mallory and Irvine date back much further than 1999. In 1936, British pioneer Frank Smythe was looking at the upper part of the mountain through a high-powered telescope when he spotted what he firmly believed was a body that could only have been Mallory or Irvine. Its location was below where an abandoned ice axe had been discovered by another British expedition three years earlier. (theguardian.com))
7.06.2024 9:09:43 клиш. what do you do for a living? где вы работаете? (What do you do for a living?)
7.06.2024 9:09:43 клиш. what do you do for a living? чем вы занимаетесь? (What do you do for a living?)
7.06.2024 9:08:13 общ. precise spot точное место (Археологи нашли точное место перехода Ганнибала через Альпы (из рус. источников) • Mark Synnott, an American mountain guide and author of The Third Pole, was also part of the expedition and climbed to the location several Everest researchers agree was the most likely position for Irvine’s remains. He found nothing. Synnott said the team also examined the precise spot where Anker found Mallory’s remains 25 years ago but couldn’t locate Mallory either. “We had GPS co-ordinates for where the body was,” Synnott said. “We flew the drone to that spot. We took photos. I feel if Mallory’s body was still there, we would have seen it. It doesn’t make any sense. Why remove the body?” (theguardian.com))
7.06.2024 8:05:47 общ. stride across a field шагать по полю (An unusual northern rātā tree that looks like it is striding across an empty field has been crowned New Zealand's Tree of the Year. The giant plant, which looks strikingly similar to an Ent from "The Lord of the Rings," is centuries old. The strange tree, which has been nicknamed the "walking tree" because it looks like it's striding across a field, is a northern rātā (Metrosideros robusta) — one of New Zealand's tallest flowering tree species that can live for up to 1,000 years. livescience.com)
7.06.2024 8:00:26 журн. weigh in on высказаться по поводу (US weighs in on Ukraine’s NATO membership)
7.06.2024 8:00:06 журн. weigh in on высказать своё мнение по поводу (A trio of Australian wildlife experts have weighed in on a series of alleged Tasmanian Tiger photos that went viral last month and their verdict is that the case is a hoax. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.06.2024 7:41:41 журн. lambast жёстко раскритиковать (Echoing that assessment was University of New South Wales professor Michael Archer, who pointed to features of the purported Tasmanian Tiger as being inconsistent with what is known about its anatomy. Specifically, he described the depiction of the creature's jaw as "just ridiculous" and lambasted another photo showing the animal's leg as "a joke." (coasttocoastam.com))
7.06.2024 7:39:42 зоол. living dinosaur живой динозавр (University of Perth ecologist Jerry Hook told the publication that the creature seen in the footage "looks like a badly staged model, not a living dinosaur" and dismissed the case as "not worthy of further consideration.")
7.06.2024 7:28:06 банк. pay for one's credit card purchases through an installment plan выплачивать покупки по кредитной карте в рассрочку (Paying for your credit card purchases through an installment plan can allow you added flexibility and control over your purchases, while still earning your card rewards as usual.)
7.06.2024 7:25:10 банк. pay off in monthly installments выплачивать в рассрочку помесячно (Easily budget your spending: Pay off big purchases in monthly installments at a lower interest rate.)
7.06.2024 7:24:08 банк. pay for sth. with monthly installments выплачивать в рассрочку помесячно (Enjoy your purchase now and pay for it over time with low monthly installments.)
7.06.2024 7:22:29 банк. buy on an installment plan приобрести в рассрочку
7.06.2024 4:50:43 журн. spark considerable debate вызвать немало споров (A trio of Australian wildlife experts have weighed in on a series of alleged Tasmanian Tiger photos that went viral last month and their verdict is that the case is a hoax. Seemingly showing a declared-extinct thylacine on the side of a road in Tasmania, the photos sparked considerable debate in cryptozoology circles. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.06.2024 4:17:02 скор.пом. give emergency medical treatment оказать неотложную медицинскую помощь (A driver is in critical condition after a unknown object flew through their windshield while they were travelling along Highway 1 Thursday. Police said the object went through a white sedan's windshield and seriously injured the driver. Emergency Health Services said in a statement that an ambulance with advanced care paramedics, primary care paramedics, a paramedic specialist responder unit and a supervisor responded to the scene. Emergency medical treatment was given to the driver who was taken to hospital in serious condition. ctvnews.ca)
7.06.2024 4:00:35 полиц. fatal stabbing смерть в результате ножевого ранения (Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim has issued a statement saying police are working tirelessly to find the person responsible for a fatal stabbing near the city's Chinatown early Wednesday. Sim says the city is grieving the loss of 32-year-old Wataru Kakiuchi, a talented chef in a Yaletown Japanese restaurant. Sim says the killing was a senseless act of violence that has left the city in shock and mourning. (castanet.net))
7.06.2024 3:55:52 общ. set upright поставить на попа (Let's set it upright.)
7.06.2024 3:10:20 общ.орг. search and rescue team аварийно-спасательный отряд (организация обычно именуется Search and Rescue конкретного района, напр.,: Squamish SAR – Squamish Search and Rescue is one of the 78 ground search and rescue groups in British Columbia. We are part of 3,400 hard working volunteers, highly skilled and trained members who each donate hundreds of hours every year in order to search for and rescue subjects in need.)
7.06.2024 3:10:20 общ.орг. search and rescue group аварийно-спасательный отряд (организация обычно именуется Search and Rescue конкретного района, напр.,: Squamish SAR – Squamish Search and Rescue is one of the 78 ground search and rescue groups in British Columbia. We are part of 3,400 hard working volunteers, highly skilled and trained members who each donate hundreds of hours every year in order to search for and rescue subjects in need.)
7.06.2024 2:37:08 тур. deep in the Amazon rainforest в дебрях Амазонии (The Marubo people have long lived in communal huts scattered hundreds of miles along the Ituí River deep in the Amazon rainforest. They speak their own language, take ayahuasca to connect with forest spirits and trap spider monkeys to make soup or keep as pets. (nytimes.com))
7.06.2024 2:31:36 инт. log on with Starlink подключиться к Старлинку (They have preserved this way of life for hundreds of years through isolation — some villages can take a week to reach. But since September, the Marubo have had high-speed internet thanks to Elon Musk. The 2,000-member tribe is one of hundreds across Brazil that are suddenly logging on with Starlink, the satellite-internet service from Space X, Mr. Musk’s private space company. Since its entry into Brazil in 2022, Starlink has swept across the world’s largest rainforest, bringing the web to one of the last offline places on Earth. (nytimes.com))
7.06.2024 10:38:03 общ. mundane scene заурядная картина (As the speeches dragged on, eyes drifted to screens. Teenagers scrolled Instagram. One man texted his girlfriend. And men crowded around a phone streaming a soccer match while the group’s first female leader spoke. Just about anywhere, a scene like this would be mundane. But this was happening in a remote Indigenous village in one of the most isolated stretches of the planet. The Marubo people have long lived in communal huts scattered hundreds of miles along the Ituí River deep in the Amazon rainforest. They speak their own language, take ayahuasca to connect with forest spirits and trap spider monkeys to make soup or keep as pets. (nytimes.com)) • Произведение «Сушка белья» залито летним теплом. Мотивом для него стала вполне заурядная картина из сельской жизни. (из рус. источников))
7.06.2024 2:25:49 общ. remote village далёкая деревня (As the speeches dragged on, eyes drifted to screens. Teenagers scrolled Instagram. One man texted his girlfriend. And men crowded around a phone streaming a soccer match while the group’s first female leader spoke. Just about anywhere, a scene like this would be mundane. But this was happening in a remote Indigenous village in one of the most isolated stretches of the planet. (nytimes.com))
7.06.2024 2:19:58 инт. chat поговорить в чате (to take part in an online discussion in a chat room (Merriam-Webster))
7.06.2024 1:55:01 идиом. raise the alarm забить тревогу (параллельно с sound the alarm: to make people understand the danger of something (Cambridge Dictionary): «Платан Палласа, например, охраняли прежде всего жители села. Он сохранился и стал памятником природы. По закону, насколько я знаю, земля, на которой находится памятник природы, может изыматься или оставаться без изъятия, но тогда хозяин принимает на себя охранные обязательства. Жаль, что здесь жители вовремя не забили тревогу» (из рус. источников))
7.06.2024 1:42:32 общ. property земельный участок (the most commonly used term)
6.06.2024 9:02:58 неодобр. grift распил денег, бюджета (мошенническое освоение бюджетных средств, выделенных на какой-либо проект: "How do you pronounce təmtəmíxʷtən? Pretty obscure for people who didn’t have a written language." "I believe it is pronounced "grift." "(саркастическое замечание) • 320 million dollars to search residential school sites? Invite some politicians and media to the old school, make a speech, put on a good show with drums, traditional dress and ceremonial fire, then cash the cheque. No digging. It is a grift on Canadians, supported by our PM. We are all owed an apology for the damage done to our Country. (vancouversun.com))
6.06.2024 8:53:31 клиш. get away with it избежать ответственности (How amazing to see the lack of media coverage about the lack of mass graves. They are quick to incite racism and genocide accusations, but very short on factual reporting. The Canadian public deserve an apology from both the Indian population and the media for perpetrating such nonsense. The documentation is clear. The vast majority of participation in residential school systems occurred with parental consent and support and were conducted on reserve lands. There never was any conspiracy to commit genocide. How can people of a certain race say stuff about another race that can't be proven to be true and get away with it. I can't imagine the protest and "stuff" that would be going on if it was the other way around. (vancouversun.com))
6.06.2024 8:52:47 клиш. get away with it повезти (By 15.30 Chris was done – 20 pieces grafted. But he was lucky. Autumn is a bad time to do this work – it should be done in January when the trees are dormant. He just about got away with it. bbc.com)
6.06.2024 8:46:21 общ. there is a real misconception among most people большинство людей неверно понимают (So there is a real misconception among, I would say, most people, about the nature of estates in land. Your private estate may be modified by Act of Parliament. That is just how it goes in our system of law. Whether it is a good one or not...that is sort of a matter of opinion. (vancouversun.com))
6.06.2024 8:40:27 недвиж. privately owned asset имущество, находящееся в частной собственности (о недвижимом имуществе: And... Don't lose sight of the fact that this government has decided it can tell you, a private citizen, is what you must do with your own privately owned asset. If you fail to conform then you will be penalized. Fail to pay this penalty and your privately owned asset will be taken from you. That is the truly chilling reality that we as a society have quietly allowed our leaders to put upon us. (vancouversun.com))
6.06.2024 8:35:38 канад. Supreme Court of Canada Justice судья Верхновного суда Канады (... But the issue is also that the rule of law is a myth. There is a good, US-centric article by John Hasnas, The Myth of The Rule of Law. And even the rule of law---I once had a Supreme Court of Canada Justice, at a talk, tell me at the reception afterward to remember that "they had the rule of law in Nazi Germany." The rule of law means nothing more than if the Government is going to do X to you, they have to write it down first. And with the problem in administrative law you point out, these legislative writings are expanded by administrators beyond anything anyone could read in from the legislation. (vancouversun.com))
6.06.2024 7:18:59 юр. invalid decision незаконное постановление (Well, this has been a problem for a long time---really, it started with labour law, and the creation of statutory bodies capable of issuing adjudications without following natural justice, etc. The privative clauses in many old labour laws take away quo warranto, certiorari, mandamus, etc. The reason being, there is no actual judge involved, the decisions are invalid and always have been---it's part of the legislative species of communism endorsed by USA's first socialist party. People focus on violent revolution, but in reality, legislative Мarxism is how the West has been lost. (vancouversun.com))
6.06.2024 7:06:53 полит. suit the agenda устраивать ("Bruce Pardy wrote an eye opening piece (hope it gets published by Post Media) that demonstrated we are no longer a country under the law, but given all the various levels of government and agencies created by government, the latter rules by law. The administrative state rules this country, not us." "Exactly, rule of law has become rule by law in Canada. The Charter gets largely ignored when it comes to the presumption of innocence as a fundamental right of our so called justice system. We elected the BC NDP knowing full well they only believe in Charter Rights when it suites their agenda." -- -- когда это их устраивает (vancouversun.com))
6.06.2024 6:59:30 редк. premise задел (create a legal premise – подготовить правовой задел)
6.06.2024 6:39:13 недвиж. make the monthly mortgage payments платить по ипотеке каждый месяц (You think that if you save up the down payment, make the monthly mortgage payments and pay all the associated taxes and fees you would own your own property and be free to choose how you use it. But in Vancouver the city owns everything that you thought you owned and they will decide how you use your property. Private property is no longer private. (vancouversun.com))
6.06.2024 6:28:16 общ. deter from отталкивать (говорится о неисполненном намерении: The irony here is that the purpose of the vacancy tax system is to increase housing in Vancouver. However, the implementation and heavy-handed tactics used on honest, hard-working folks like the guy in this article, have essentially deterred owners from providing suites. It seems like every year we read about these nightmare stories. It's just not worth the risk to be a landlord anymore, judging by the various replies I'm reading here. (vancouversun.com))
6.06.2024 6:21:42 недвиж. the house is paid off дом выплачен ("The basic incentives to provide rental housing are poor and eroding constantly. Rental housing in BC is a horrible investment." "Generally true..... however with the house paid off I can easily provide a very nice suite to a young family, or a couple in need. For a modest rent, I would benefit from having someone around as I enter my senior years. However the risk of the radicalized RTB is too much of a risk. I don't need that type of aggravation in my senior years." (vancouversun.com))
6.06.2024 6:04:42 клиш. there's no way ни за что на свете (With the kids successfully launched, I've been considering remodeling my home to create a rental suite. With 3500 sq/ft at my disposal, I can easily relegate 1000sq/ft for a nice suite c/w fireplace, laundry, bedroom, storage, private patio w/BBQ and off street parking. However after hearing about the horror stories landlords are going through at the RTB, there's no way I would risk being put through that heII. It's just not worth the risk. (vancouversun.com) -- я ни за что на свете не рискну)
6.06.2024 6:00:58 недвиж. rental suite съёмная квартира (может быть как в отдельном доме, так и под одной крышей с домовладельцем: With the kids successfully launched, I've been considering remodeling my home to create a rental suite. With 3500 sq/ft at my disposal, I can easily relegate 1000sq/ft for a nice suite c/w fireplace, laundry, bedroom, storage, private patio w/BBQ and off-street parking. (vancouversun.com))
6.06.2024 6:00:45 недвиж. rental suite арендная квартира (может быть как в отдельном доме, так и под одной крышей с домовладельцем: With the kids successfully launched, I've been considering remodeling my home to create a rental suite. With 3500 sq/ft at my disposal, I can easily relegate 1000sq/ft for a nice suite c/w fireplace, laundry, bedroom, storage, private patio w/BBQ and off-street parking. (vancouversun.com))
6.06.2024 5:50:11 общ. this has been an issue since forever это вечная проблема (Canadians will never compete with East Indians living 15 to a house. This has been an issue since forever in Canada. We did not evolve to live that way. (vancouversun.com))
6.06.2024 5:44:04 недвиж. move fully полностью переехать (He is a carpenter and said that 2021 was a “switch over year. I lived on Main Street whilst I drove to this Yew Street place, which would be my new home eventually and I renovated it.” He moved fully into the Yew Street place during the later half of 2021 and a month later, he moved tenants into the Main Street one. (vancouversun.com))
6.06.2024 5:41:39 клиш. specific details точные подробности (He remembers tracking all the timing to keep his insurance company apprised. They wanted specific details to make sure I was covered so I had to guide them through.” (vancouversun.com) • – Прежде всего, – начал я, – нам необходимо поговорить. Вам, очевидно, известны более точные подробности, чем те, которые сообщает эта газета… (из рус. источников) • Общие описания композиций снабжены точными подробностями, касающимися деталей антуража. (из рус. источников))
6.06.2024 5:25:22 общ. guide through поэтапно разъяснять (usually guide sb. through: "Guide you through' is the best term. 'Walk you through' is quite commonly used, and suggests the idea of 'take you step by step' through a process, but speaking in a professional capacity to someone you don't know, 'guide you through" seems the most appropriate to me. (forum.wordreference.com): He remembers tracking all the timing to keep his insurance company apprised. They wanted specific details to make sure I was covered so I had to guide them through.” (vancouversun.com))
6.06.2024 5:25:22 общ. guide through разъяснять поэтапно (usually guide sb. through: "Guide you through' is the best term. 'Walk you through' is quite commonly used, and suggests the idea of 'take you step by step' through a process, but speaking in a professional capacity to someone you don't know, 'guide you through" seems the most appropriate to me. (forum.wordreference.com): He remembers tracking all the timing to keep his insurance company apprised. They wanted specific details to make sure I was covered so I had to guide them through.” (vancouversun.com))
6.06.2024 2:27:32 дор.движ. cross lanes into oncoming traffic выехать на встречную полосу (One man is dead and two others injured after a truck crossed lanes into oncoming traffic and triggered a three-vehicle collision on Highway 40 Jan. 27. Around 7:10 a.m., before dawn. a northbound Dodge Dakota crossed the highway into the path of a southbound Chevrolet Silverado. (dailyheraldtribune.com) • В районе улицы Генерала Жидилова, 59 произошло ДТП, в результате которого погиб 15-летний пассажир мотоцикла. По предварительной информации ведомства, 14-летний молодой человек, управлявший мотоциклом Kayo, выехал на встречную полосу и врезался в учебный автомобиль Ford, в котором находилась 31-летняя женщина-водитель и её инструктор. (из рус. источников))
5.06.2024 2:46:45 клиш. do an amazing job прекрасно справиться (of + gerund -- с задачей или работой: Hamilton did an amazing job of hosting Grey Cup last year.)
5.06.2024 1:18:58 общ. try a variety of methods перепробовать различные способы (ради некоей цели: The two mobsters tried a variety of unsuccessful methods to kill Castro, including poison and assassination by rifle, and Roselli even went out in a boat in the middle of the night from Florida to Cuba with some Cuban exiles who had been trained to overthrow the communist government. (coasttocoastam.com))
4.06.2024 11:41:39 общ. be housed храниться (a volume of Gutenberg's ecclesiastic masterwork housed in Berliner Staatsbibliothek – хранящийся • The town also has associations with Robert Burns. The first edition of his poems was printed here in 1786. Burns published these poems to raise the money to emigrate to Jamaica, but their success made him remain. A copy is housed in a museum inside the red-sandstone Burns Monument in Kay Park. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) -- Один экземпляр хранится ...)
4.06.2024 8:02:44 СМИ. crime spree ряд преступлений (журналистский штамп: A man who stole 17 tubes of Pringles from a store in Britain offered a rather amusing explanation for the curious caper in the form of the snack food's iconic slogan. Upon being caught and questioned by police, when the subject turned to the considerable amount of snacks that he had stolen, Spencer simply replied with the long-running Pringles slogan "once you pop, you can't stop." It would seem that cops did not sympathize with his peculiar plight as he was subsequently charged with two counts of burglary and three counts of theft, which he pleaded guilty to last week. Spencer received a fine of around $250 and a suspended prison sentence of six months. -- совершил ряд правонарушений / преступлений (coasttocoastam.com) • В Советском районном суде рассматривается уголовное дело в отношении гр. Х., который совершил ряд преступлений, предусмотренных ч. 4 ст. 159 УК РФ (5 эпизодов). (из рус. источников))
4.06.2024 7:54:44 идиом. turn one's life around полностью изменить свою жизнь (к лучшему: to make drastic changes to one's way of life as a form of self-improvement: Author and host of the TV show "It's Supernatural," Sid Roth says he has the distinction of investigating more miracles than any other living person on Earth. He recalled how, as a young man, his interest in the occult and the paranormal led to him a dark place, but upon discovering Jesus and hearing the voice of God, he was able to turn his life around. Roth, who came from a Jewish upbringing, said it was surprising to find faith in Jesus, especially as he began to pray to his Hebrew name, Yeshua. (coasttocoastam.com))
4.06.2024 7:46:51 общ. featured ... weather выдалась погода (Held on the 90th anniversary of the first official hunt for the famed 'monster,' this year's event was a sequel to a similar gathering that took place last summer and was unfortunately hampered by treacherous downpours. Fortunately, the 2024 installment of 'The Quest' reportedly featured far better weather and, in turn, a tremendous turnout of volunteers who lined Loch Ness in the hopes of catching a glimpse of the legendary cryptid said to reside there. -- выдалась погода намного лучше (coasttocoastam.com))
4.06.2024 7:24:47 страх. cause millions in damages нанести ущерб на миллионы долларов (A new proposal has emerged in response to the November 2021 floods that swept Sumas Prairie in the Fraser Valley, causing mass evacuations and millions in damages. (news.ubc.ca))
4.06.2024 7:16:15 полиц. impairment состояние алкогольного опьянения ("Impairment is not considered a factor and no criminal charges are being considered," he said. • Каков порядок освидетельствования на состояние алкогольного опьянения? (из рус. источников) nsnews.com)
4.06.2024 6:52:25 общ. it truly was a blessing that nobody was hurt счастье, что никто не пострадал (Kibble said a few people walking the Seawalk stopped to try and help get the driver out of the vehicle but they weren't able to open the doors of the car. First responders arrived and removed the driver’s side door before carrying the driver, an elderly woman, away via an ambulance, Kibble said. “There were many passers-by, it truly was a blessing that nobody around was hurt.” (nsnews.com))
4.06.2024 6:49:36 общ. sit down for dinner садиться ужинать (“We were just about to sit down for dinner when we heard this most incredible noise, we walked to the window and there was that car,” he said. – Мы как раз собиралист садиться ужинать (nsnews.com))
3.06.2024 10:26:50 клиш. change drastically измениться коренным образом (The development industry is a profitable, but risky, business. That’s in large part because it takes many years between envisioning a major project and completing it — and market forces can change drastically within that time. (vancouversun.com))
3.06.2024 10:23:09 банк. get a mortgage взять ипотеку (Much of the problem has to do with rising interest rates. The Bank of Canada’s decision two years ago to start hiking rates is making it harder to get a mortgage to buy a dwelling. And the cost of borrowing money is making it difficult for builders to afford the loans to construct new units, especially residential highrises. (vancouversun.com))
3.06.2024 10:23:09 банк. get a mortgage взять ипотечный кредит (Much of the problem has to do with rising interest rates. The Bank of Canada’s decision two years ago to start hiking rates is making it harder to get a mortgage to buy a dwelling. And the cost of borrowing money is making it difficult for builders to afford the loans to construct new units, especially residential highrises. (vancouversun.com))
3.06.2024 10:20:11 общ. things are not looking good дела идут неважно (for sb. – у кого-л.: Developers are regularly abandoning projects. Many buyers are staying on the sidelines. Despite governments pumping billions of dollars into stimulating building — and politicians making showy announcements of new housing targets — things are not looking good for the housing industry. (vancouversun.com))
3.06.2024 10:11:53 общ. go up расти ввысь (Gleaming new condo towers are going up like never before. House and rental prices are exorbitant. Old houses are being torn down for multi-unit buildings. It all gives the impression the residential construction business is booming. (vancouversun.com))
3.06.2024 9:58:07 общ. boon выгодное дело (For some small businesses that would be a cost, for some that would be a boon. • Improved transportation infrastructure over the Second Narrows of Burrard Inlet would be a massive boon for local economies, easing the daily journey of tens of thousands of daily commuters and reducing rush hour traffic dreaded by hordes of drivers. (nsnews.com))
3.06.2024 8:06:27 дор.движ. get the brake and the accelerator mixed up перепутать тормоз с акселератором (Choices: 1) New driver. 2) Very old driver. 3) Got brake and accelerator mixed up. (Sheldon once said that was why he didn't drive, On The Big Bang Theory). 4) Drunk or 'high.' 5) Medical emergency. (Twitter))
3.06.2024 7:29:54 ласкат. sweet little grandma бабулька
3.06.2024 7:09:48 недвиж. spacious room просторная комната (Looks like a Soviet housing block, but the rooms are likely more spacious than in current apartments, usually the case with older buildings.)
3.06.2024 7:03:22 распр. downed power line обрыв линии электропередачи (Hoskins Road is closed between Arborlynn Drive and Davenport Place due to a downed power line. Please avoid the area. (Twitter))
3.06.2024 6:37:22 полиц. knife-wielding man вооружённый ножом мужчина (Knife-wielding man arrested in North Saanich)
3.06.2024 5:29:19 идиом. run like hell убегать сломя голову (Firemen who just survived the destruction of the South Tower on 9/11 are looking at the North Tower. If the plane damage and fire caused the collapse, why aren’t they running away? The firefighters knew the fires could not bring down those towers. They didn’t know advanced incendiary material was detonated inside them. PhD scientists found the evidence in the WTC dust, and if the firefighters had known, they would have run like hell. x.com)
3.06.2024 3:39:48 шутл. scholar школяр (flickr.com)
3.06.2024 3:18:32 общ. get sb. used to приучать к (Getting the tots used to the notion of vehicular transport. In my experience, using these transports can be tricky because smaller kids don't understand they're not supposed to stand up and do things while the transport is in motion. (Flickr) flickr.com)
3.06.2024 3:04:21 недвиж. housing co-op кооператив (форма собственности жилья)
2.06.2024 9:24:44 порт.хоз. docked пришвартованный ((of a ship) tie up at a dock, especially in order to load or unload passengers or cargo. "the ship docked at San Francisco" (Oxford Dictionary): A cargo of sawn timber or lumber is loaded on board the MV Aorangi (1924), a transpacific ocean liner and cargo ship docked at Vancouver Harbour in the city of Vancouver in the province of British Columbia (Twitter))
2.06.2024 9:15:49 разг. so long for now! пока! (So long for now Seattle!)
2.06.2024 8:29:13 неодобр. doesn't cut it это несерьёзно (критика: Just why can't he work? "I don't wanna" doesn't cut it. I see lots of Help Wanted signs. Is he too picky? Does he just want a "fun" job?)
2.06.2024 8:22:03 собес. subsidized housing субсидируемое жильё (for the thousands of people waitlisted to live in this kind of subsidized housing)
2.06.2024 7:59:41 разг. catch минус (т.е. недостаток: MacDonald said he was able to use his disability assistance cheques of $1,035 per month to live in these spaces (which he said cost about $750). He was able to access a shower, have a place to sleep, and store his belongings. However, MacDonald says there was a catch. “I was being bullied by a lot of men in there,” he said. “I tried to move to another one and the same thing happened. They’re just belittling me all the time, and they gang up on me,” he explained. In many of his experiences, he said he didn’t feel safe. “They really knew how to pick on me. They’d be just smashing on my door in the middle of the night.”(dailyhive.com) -- Но был и минус)
2.06.2024 7:54:42 разг. take crappy jobs браться за паршивую работу (MacDonald moved to Vancouver from Nova Scotia about seven years ago with aspirations to work in the film industry. He was able to do what he enjoyed as a wedding videographer and DJ, however, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, gigs became harder to find. “I ended up taking some crappy jobs in construction and slowly lost motivation for the film industry over time,” he said. (dailyhive.com))
2.06.2024 7:22:33 клиш. wouldn't it be cool if ...? вот было бы здорово, если бы ...! (+ simple past tense: Wouldn’t it be cool if the Don Valley was a like huge Stanley Park type place instead of a highway? (Twitter))
2.06.2024 6:25:03 метеор. rainfall warning предупреждение о сильных осадках (Rainfall warning issued for Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley as an “out-of-season” atmospheric river sets its aim at the region. (Twitter))
2.06.2024 6:26:51 метеор. rainfall warning штормовое предупреждение (термин не всегда применим, если речь идёт только об осадках без ветра: Rainfall warning issued for Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley as an “out-of-season” atmospheric river sets its aim at the region. (Twitter))
2.06.2024 6:02:58 дор.движ. make a right hand turn свернуть направо (This happened in front of me. Mercedes driver tried to squeeze through to make a right hand turn on Bute heading east on Alberni at a very slow speed. There was no room at all and instantly scraped the side of the black Kia? At the light. After said scraping, driver gassed it hard as possible across the intersection onto the sidewalk and proceeded to mow down bike racks, street signs, trees and cars. Can't believe no one was killed. (Reddit))
2.06.2024 5:54:26 дор.движ. impaired driving crash авария по вине водителя в нетрезвом состоянии (A suspect has been arrested after a suspected impaired driving crash. According to police, the incident began just before 10 p.m. on Friday, when a white Mercedes SUV sideswiped a grey Mazda driving east on Alberni Street in downtown Vancouver. The Mercedes then reportedly accelerated and jumped the south curb on Alberni, narrowly missing several pedestrians. The suspect driver then crashed into a bike rack, a street sign and collided with a tree, destroying it in the process, according to police. The Mercedes then crashed into three more cars until finally coming to a stop on the sidewalk, with the tree under the vehicle. globalnews.ca)
2.06.2024 5:54:26 дор.движ. impaired driving crash ДТП по вине нетрезвого водителя (A suspect has been arrested after a suspected impaired driving crash. According to police, the incident began just before 10 p.m. on Friday, when a white Mercedes SUV sideswiped a grey Mazda driving east on Alberni Street in downtown Vancouver. The Mercedes then reportedly accelerated and jumped the south curb on Alberni, narrowly missing several pedestrians. The suspect driver then crashed into a bike rack, a street sign and collided with a tree, destroying it in the process, according to police. The Mercedes then crashed into three more cars until finally coming to a stop on the sidewalk, with the tree under the vehicle. globalnews.ca)
2.06.2024 5:54:26 дор.движ. impaired driving crash ДТП, совершённое в состоянии алкогольного опьянения (A suspect has been arrested after a suspected impaired driving crash. According to police, the incident began just before 10 p.m. on Friday, when a white Mercedes SUV sideswiped a grey Mazda driving east on Alberni Street in downtown Vancouver. The Mercedes then reportedly accelerated and jumped the south curb on Alberni, narrowly missing several pedestrians. The suspect driver then crashed into a bike rack, a street sign and collided with a tree, destroying it in the process, according to police. The Mercedes then crashed into three more cars until finally coming to a stop on the sidewalk, with the tree under the vehicle. globalnews.ca)
2.06.2024 5:35:43 клиш. address the situation разобраться с этой ситуацией (to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem (Cambridge Dictionary): “United Airlines is actively coordinating with health authorities to address the situation,” according to a statement from the airline. “Ensuring the health and safety of our passengers and crew remains our top priority.” (cnn.com))
2.06.2024 5:18:05 клиш. all should be okay всё будет нормально (Facebook viewers were left divided over the clip as some did agree the house could be haunted. One user said: "Wow... you're haunted! I mean as long as they don't harm, and if you could tell them they're not allowed to scare your kids, all should be okay." (mirror.co.uk))
2.06.2024 5:18:05 клиш. all should be okay всё будет в порядке (Facebook viewers were left divided over the clip as some did agree the house could be haunted. One user said: "Wow... you're haunted! I mean as long as they don't harm, and if you could tell them they're not allowed to scare your kids, all should be okay." (mirror.co.uk))
2.06.2024 5:13:52 биом. fingerprint-activated door дверь с биометрическим замком (A woman has left social media divided after she claimed to have video evidence her house is haunted when her kids started asking about people in their rooms. Kayla Samson recently went viral after she shared a clip of a fingerprint-activated door seeming to open on its own. The mum captured the incident on a Ring home security camera after a string of bizarre incidents around her home. (mirror.co.uk))
2.06.2024 5:02:05 перен. leave divided внести раскол (A woman has left social media divided after she claimed to have video evidence her house is haunted when her kids started asking about people in their rooms. Kayla Samson recently went viral after she shared a clip of a fingerprint-activated door seeming to open on its own. The mum captured the incident on a Ring home security camera after a string of bizarre incidents around her home. (mirror.co.uk))
1.06.2024 10:50:28 общ. cargo sitting idle грузы простаивают (cargo containers sitting idle on rail tracks – грузовые контейнеры простаивают на рельсах )
1.06.2024 9:34:10 общ. improving book поучительная книга (Thank you, sir. I rather think I will spend the evening with an improving book.)
1.06.2024 9:08:06 разг. last time I checked насколько я помню ("Last time I checked, you were never the one in charge." )
1.06.2024 7:50:47 общ. no idea yet пока не известно
1.06.2024 7:23:31 общ. in a matter-of-fact manner без эмоций (In newspapers from the 1850s to the 1880s, he discovered numerous sightings of airships that were generally described as giant flying objects seen moving at high speed or silently hovering. The witnesses in the newspaper stories were generally respected citizens, and the accounts were written in a matter-of-fact manner, he noted, such as when an airship was observed flying over several states within a matter of hours. (coasttocoastam.com))
1.06.2024 7:23:31 общ. in a matter-of-fact manner сухим языком (In newspapers from the 1850s to the 1880s, he discovered numerous sightings of airships that were generally described as giant flying objects seen moving at high speed or silently hovering. The witnesses in the newspaper stories were generally respected citizens, and the accounts were written in a matter-of-fact manner, he noted, such as when an airship was observed flying over several states within a matter of hours. (coasttocoastam.com))
1.06.2024 7:19:53 общ. high up in the mountains высоко в горах (Rothmiller found accounts of how, in 1921, the Indian army was doing maneuvers high up in the mountains and found huge footprints in the snow of something barefoot headed into the snow banks, and they made photographs of the prints. (coasttocoastam.com))
1.06.2024 7:15:33 общ. a wide array of разнообразные (Mike Rothmiller served ten years with the LAPD, including five years as a deep undercover detective. In the first half, he shared reports of a wide array of paranormal and unexplained occurrences that were written during the 1800s and early 1900s. (coasttocoastam.com))

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