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fg 名词强调
一般 фемтограмм (10-15 г to_work)
音乐 флюгельгорн (flugelhorn; принятое в джазовой лит-ре сокращение carp)
FGS 缩写
信令 система пожаро- и газообнаружения (Fire and Gas System)
医疗的 фиброгастроскопия (vasik)
牙科 короткий хвостовик под турбинный наконечник (MichaelBurov)
 英语 词库
FGS 缩写
军队 Federal Germany ship
技术 floating-gate structure
缩写 Fine Guidance Sensor; Finished Goods Series; field gathering system; Fellow of the Geological Society; Fucking Game Starter; facility grounding system; flowing gas stream
缩写, 军队 Federal German Ship; final governing standard; Force Generation Service (UN)
缩写, 冶金 ferrite grain size (@lexandra)
缩写, 化学 methanol-producing steroids
缩写, 医疗的 Fibrogastroscopy; Focal Glomerular Sclerosis; Formal Genesis Syndrome; fibergastroscope
缩写, 地质学, 科学的 Florida Geological Survey
缩写, 基因工程 full genome sequencing (MichaelBurov); whole genome sequencing (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 库页岛 fire & gas system; fire and gas detection system; Flammable gas detection system (Fire, Gas and Smoke Detection System); fuel gas system
缩写, 牙科 short friction grip (MichaelBurov); short shank (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 电子产品 flight guidance system; floating-gate slave; floating gate structure
缩写, 石油/石油 filter geophone selection; Finnish Geological Society
缩写, 空手道 flight guidance subsystem
缩写, 空间 fixed ground station
缩写, 航天 fine guidance sensors; Fine Guidance Sensors (on HST); fine guidance sensor (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 萨哈林岛 Fire & Gas Detection and alarming system; Fire, Gas and Smoke System
缩写, 运动的 Fantasy Gaming Society
能源行业 flue gas scrubbing
FGS: 1 短语, 1 学科