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проваливай! 动词强调
Игорь Миг get the hell out of here; bug off!; get out of here!; get the f* outta here! (руг., груб.)
一般 get along with you!; hop it!; kiss off!; let's see the back of you! (Anglophile); blast off! (Anglophile); go along!; go along with you!; walker; piss off; beat it!; buzz off!; kiss off
Gruzovik, 感叹 beat it!
俚语 get lost (в прямом и переносном смысле); get lost!; 23 skiddoo!; 23 skidoo!; twenty-three skiddoo!; twenty-three skidoo!; twenty-three!; hit the road! (Damirules); hit the bricks (vogeler); do one! (Баян); buzz off (‘we know what we're doing, so buzz off!')
粗鲁的 bugger off! (Anglophile); Go fry an egg! (Andrey Truhachev)
粗鲁的, 英式英语 piss off!
美国人 go pound sand! (They told me to go pound sand – Они сказали мне проваливать kurzman)
美国人, 俚语 twenty-three
美国人, 粗鲁的 go fly a kite!; go jump in the lake!; go lay a brick!; go lay an egg!; go sit on a tack
苏格兰语 get te feck (Scottish way to say "Fuck off!" SergeyLetyagin)
英国 get stuffed (The Irishman turned to face him again. "No, you listen to me, Roux. I'll stay in Paris just as long as I want. I was never impressed by you in the Congo, and I'm not now. So get stuffed. ilma_r)
非正式的 off with you! (Andrey Truhachev); Clear out! (Andrey Truhachev)
马卡罗夫 away with you!
проваливай 动词
一般 get out with you; get out (возглас); scram
俚语 bye Felicia (цитата из фильма "Friday", означает пренебрежительно-безразличное нежелание продолжать беседу NGGM); voetsek (из Африкаанса voort s Christina_AW)
粗鲁的 get out of my fucking face (4uzhoj); go chase yourself (VLZ_58)
非正式的 go away (kamante); kick rocks (Am.E.; go away, leave alone or leave a place Taras)
проваливать 动词
Gruzovik knock down (impf of провалить); cause to collapse (impf of провалить); wreck (impf of провалить)
Игорь Миг screw up (Everything I do, I screw up.); scuttle
一般 fail; cause to cave in; damn; decamp; kill; murder; spin (на экзамене); goof (замысел и т. п. тж. goof up); come one's way (идти вон; обычно в виде императива); cause to collapse; knock down; pip; plough; plow; reject; defeat (законопроект); mess; muck (какое-либо дело); botch (напр., миссию Ремедиос_П)
Gruzovik, 具象的 ruin (impf of провалить); flop (impf of провалить); expose (impf of провалить); give away (impf of провалить); turn down (impf of провалить); flunk a student (impf of провалить); fail a student (impf of провалить); bring about the failure of (impf of провалить)
Gruzovik, 过时/过时 pass by in large numbers (impf of провалить); go by in large numbers (impf of провалить); go past in large numbers (impf of провалить)
低位寄存器, 英国 piss someone off (В.И.Макаров)
俚语 get the hell out (Get the hell out! – Проваливай! Interex); hit the road (Ivan Pisarev); miss out; goof (замысел и т.п.; тж. goof up); hit the trail; take a hike (Юрий Гомон); bog off (Bog off! Get out of here! Вадим Александров); scrape out (откуда-то Artjaazz); hit the bricks (VLZ_58); hit the dusty trail (Artjaazz); kick rocks (WhiteyAction); fall thru (экзамен Yeldar Azanbayev); fall through (экзамен Yeldar Azanbayev)
具象的 take a walk (Andrey Truhachev)
具象的, 非正式的 bring about the failure (of); expose; flop; flunk; give away; turn down; fail (a student); ruin
外交, 美国人 snow under (кандидата на выборах)
粗鲁的 fuck up (все на фиг)
美国人 snow under
过时/过时, 非正式的 go by; go past (in large numbers); pass by
非正式的 expose (illegal activity); vote down; defeat; pluck (на экзамене); muck up (дело, экзамен leosel); get lost (z484z)
非正式的, 美国人 scram
马卡罗夫 goof up (замысел и т. п.); make a mess of; mess up
马卡罗夫, 美国人 snow under (кандидата)
马卡罗夫, 非正式的 buzz off; muck up (какое-либо дело)
проваливаться 动词
Gruzovik come down (impf of провалиться); collapse (impf of провалиться); fall into (impf of провалиться)
Игорь Миг come up short
一般 flunk; break down; fail (with на + prep, or no, an examination or subject); fall in; fall through; cave in (о почве, крыше); unstick; fall into; cave; flop; founder; collapse; go under (kee46); bomb (1) [transitive] bomb something to attack somebody/something by leaving a bomb in a place or by dropping bombs from a plane * Terrorists bombed several army barracks. * The city was heavily bombed in the war. 2) [intransitive] + adv./prep. (British English, informal) to move very fast, especially in a vehicle, in a particular direction * They were bombing down the road at about 80 miles an hour. 3) [transitive, intransitive] bomb (something) (North American English, informal) to fail a test or an exam very badly * The exam was impossible! I definitely bombed it. 4) [intransitive] (informal) (of a play, show, etc.) to fail very badly * His latest musical bombed and lost thousands of dollars. OALD Alexander Demidov); slump (Franka_LV); disappear; sink; slump; fall (with в + acc., into); come tumbling down; be unsuccessful
Gruzovik, 具象的 miscarry (impf of провалиться)
Gruzovik, 非正式的 vanish (impf of провалиться)
俚语 fall through (Mick's plan to enter the University fell through at the last moment. == В последний момент планы Мика поступить в университет рухнули.); fall thru (Mick's plan to enter the University fell through at the last moment. == В последний момент планы Мика поступить в университет рухнули.)
信息技术, 专业术语 fall through to
具象的 come unglued (VLZ_58)
具象的, 非正式的 miscarry
航空 fall; sink (в воздушную яму); drop (Andrey Truhachev)
财政 founder (напр., о плане)
非标 be washed out (на экзаменах igisheva)
非正式的 vanish; go awry (langbid)
马卡罗夫 fail (на экзамене); cave in (о почве крыше и т. п.); fall in (о крыше и т. п.); sink in; be ploughed (терпеть неудачу); be plucked (терпеть неудачу)
马卡罗夫, 非正式的 come unstuck; get unstuck
马卡罗夫, 非正式的, 美国人 come unglued
проваливайся 动词
一般 flunk; be damned; disappear
Проваливай! 动词
俚语 Forget you! (Interex); hit the pavement (JuliaSyomina)
проваливайте! 动词
马卡罗夫 go along with you!
проваливай: 77 短语, 19 学科