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Игорь Миг go all out; go to great lengths
一般 pull out all the stops; make all efforts (+ infinitive = с целью чего-л.: Dear Ambassador, It is our considered opinion that all efforts should be made to avert a further confrontation between the Israelis and Egyptians. The result of which could only be the growth of further guerilla activity on the part of El Fatah and other United Arab Republic revolutionary elements and the consequent Israeli reprisals. (The Tamarind Seed, 1974) ART Vancouver); make a fierce effort; explore every avenue (Anglophile); leave no stone unturned (to make every possible effort to find someone or something: The researchers left no stone unturned in their search for the original documents. Anglophile); strain every sinew (Anglophile); make sure (honeysickle)
惯用语 go out of one's way (“We’re asking everyone to go out of their way to conserve water to the greatest extent possible, including minimizing lawn watering,” Montgomery said. Other suggested ways to reduce water consumption is taking shorter showers and only doing full loads of laundry. nsnews.com ART Vancouver); pull out all the stops imaginable (ART Vancouver); do one's utmost (We're going to do our utmost to ensure we don’t go down the path of rampant development and massive rent hikes. ART Vancouver)
马卡罗夫 do everything in power
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