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позиционная атака强调
曲棍球 organized attack (Organized attacks can originate in any of the three zones of play. When a team's initial rush into the Offensive Zone does not produce a shot on goal, the team must find another way to organize an attack on net. VLZ_58); controlled attack (Upon gaining possession of the puck, a team may either elect to move up the ice quickly, with an intentional pass (Fast), regroup and move up ice (Mid-Fast), set up an organized or controlled attack (Slow)... VLZ_58); patterned offense (The overtime was much like regulation, with the Swedes running their breathtaking, patterned offense that relies on pinpoint passing and some striking stickhandling and skating, and the Canadians playing their grinding, board-crashing, dump-and-chase game. – Игра в дополни¬тель¬ное время проходило по тому же сценарию, что и в основное. Шведы разыгрывали изящные комбинации в позиционном нападении, демонстрируя выверенные пасы, блестящий дриблинг и технику катания. Канадцы строили вязкую оборону, используя мощные силовые приёмы у бортов, и вбрасывали шайбу в зону соперника, где завязывали за неё борьбу. VLZ_58)
篮球 scripted offense (VLZ_58); halfcourt offense (Halfcourt offense is a catch-all term for any type of scripted offense employed by an offensive team when they are facing a set, halfcourt defense used by the opposing team. VLZ_58)
运动的 set-play attack
позиционная атака: 1 短语, 1 学科