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гаврик 名词强调
Игорь Миг goof-off ("гаврик" seems to be young or youngish person, usually male but not always; a kind of goof-off; maybe not the sharpest knife in the drawer; someone who isn't the most honest fellow you ever met; or someone who is just not serious. -– TMT, M.Berdy (2016)); bloke (= человек, душа, обыч. во мн. ч.: Here is the head of a laboratory complaining: Подчиненных у меня – двенадцать гавриков, а за вином отправить некого. – I've got 12 blokes working under me and there's no one I can send out for wine. ---- цитируетсся по: TMT, M.Berdy (2016)); nobody; grayman (конт.); lightweight (конт. // = халтурщик, дилетант as in " Люди переходят из гавриков в активные члены форума – Lightweights can turn into active members of the forum. -– TMT, M.Berdy (2016)); know-nothing (Получил восемьдесят "годных необученных" гавриков и должен был обучить их военному искусству – I got 80 "able-bodied but untrained" know-nothings and I had to teach them the art of war. -– TMT, M.Berdy); boy (= bad boy = "гаврики" are kind of low-level street punks pushing into the territory of a local crime boss: // Павлик, твои гаврики хапнули винный магазин? Это с твоей стороны хамство, – грустно вздохнул Александр. – "Pavlik, was it your boys who hit the wine store? That's way out of line," Alexander said with a sad sigh. -– цитируется по: TMT, M.Berdy (2016)); gray man (конт. /// And then sometimes those gray men whom no one notices are not gray men at all: Дело в том, что те два гаврика, "фотографы", оказались гэбэшниками – Actually, those two nobodies – the photographers – turned out to be KGB. -– TMT, M.Berdy (2016))
Gruzovik, 非正式的 chap
幽默/诙谐 rogue (Anglophile); twerp (VLZ_58); dude (VLZ_58)