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一般 puke; cat; spew; spue; sick up; vomit (Franka_LV); up chuck (Andrew Goff); fetch up; play (Klugscheisser); disgorge; gleam (у сокольничих); cast the (о соколе); gulp up; regorge; kick the cat (о пьяном)
俚语 ralph; boff; chuck; flash; heave (puke: I had to stop riding during the later half of the race, sitting down and heaving for about a half hour before I was okay to ride back to camp. quora.com, urbandictionary.com); kack; kak; pray to the porcelain god; pull a Daniel Boone; pump ship; ralf; ralf up; rolf; ruth; throw one's cookies; toss one's cookies; toss one's lunch; toss one's tacos; uke; up-chuck; yuke; jerk the cat (о пьяном); shoot the cat (о пьяном); throw a map (Interex); yap (Who yapped in the bushes? Кто наблевал в кустах? Interex); blow chow (milknhoney); put; yak ("I would probably yak if I saw that" "Я бы, наверное, блеванул, если бы это увидел" kisseemmee); refund (urbandictionary.com MichaelBurov)
俚语, 非正式的 shoot the cat
庸俗 air one's paunch; blow chunks (согласно Википедии WildGenius)
惯用语 talk on the big white phone (после чрезмерного употребления алкоголя Taras)
澳大利亚表达 chunder (to vomit: where beer does flow, and men chunder Val_Ships)
澳大利亚表达, 俚语 drive the Porcelain bus; perk; talk on the Porcelain telephone; throw up
生产 engage in involuntarily personal protein spill (Yeldar Azanbayev)
白话文 throw up one's guts
粗鲁的 cascade; jerk the cat; sling a cat
美国人 hurl
美国人, 俚语 cheese (Charikova); chuck up
美国人, 非标 upchuck
英国 chander (ilyas_levashov); honk (каламбур – Presumably this is a problem in New York where there are signs on the streets that say "No Honking". для VLZ_58: см. первое слово Beforeyouaccuseme)
非正式的 toss one's beans (Yanick); talk to huey (по звуковому сходству процесса с именем Savielia)
非正式的, 粗鲁的 barf
马卡罗夫, 非正式的 spew up
马卡罗夫, 非正式的, 澳大利亚表达 go for the big spit
блевать: 15 短语, 8 学科