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льёт как из ведраakcenty
posp. it is pouring; it is pouring with rain; it's teeming with rain; it is raining pitchfork; it rains fit to drown a duck (Islet); it's raining like anything (Anglophile); rain buckets (Interex); it is raining cats and dogs (Nadiya_K); the rain is pouring; it is pouring cats and dogs; it rains cats and dogs (kee46); it is pouring wet; it's raining like hell; it's raining buckets (Alexey_Yunoshev); the rain is coming down in buckets
amer. it rains pitchforks
makar. it is showering; it's raining like hell
nief. it's pissing rain (It's pissing rain outside, you'll get drenched! 4uzhoj)
лить как из ведра
posp. bucket; pour down (о долгом и сильном дожде bodchik); come down in sheets (о дожде); bucket down (о дожде КГА); pour with rain (о дожде Drozdova); come down in buckets (Yura_N); pour (о дожде); rain cats and dogs (о дожде); rain pitchforks (о дожде)
brytań. teem (о дожде Anglophile)
idiom. sheet down (о дожде Ant493)
makar. beat down; pour down (о дожде)
nief. really come down (It's going to really come down tonight – up to 50 mm with strong westerly winds! ART Vancouver)
powiedz. it's raining cats and dogs (Taras)
przysł. it rains cats and dogs
zjedn. teem down (о дожде; e.g. It's been teeming down all day Anglophile); rain stair rods (также: come down in stair rods Yan Mazor)
льёт, как из ведра
posp. it's bucketing down (Anglophile); it is raining cats and dogs; it is raining pitchforks; it rains cats and dogs; it rains pitchforks; it's raining cats and dogs; it's raining pitchforks; rain cats and dogs; rain pitchforks; raining cats and dogs; raining pitchforks
banał. Real gulley washer (Interex)
лить, как из ведра
posp. come down in torrents (о дожде, ливне; The wind got up, and then rain started coming down in torrents. – Ветер усилился, и затем дождь начал лить, как из ведра. TarasZ)
slang rain pitchforks (о дожде); rain darning needles (о дожде); rain chicken coops (о дожде); rain cats and dogs (о дожде); rain hammer handles (о дожде)
дождь льёт как из ведра
posp. it is showering; the rain is coming down in sheets
литься как из ведра
posp. spout down (о дожде)
slang pour piss out of a boot (to describe a stupid person; to describe a very large rain storm (Urban Dictionaty): You're so dumb you couldn't pour piss out of a boot; Look at those clouds, its about to pour piss out of a boot! КГА)
лило как из ведра
Игорь Миг it was coming down in buckets
льёт как из ведра: 42 do fraz, 7 tematyki
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