
   Angielski Rosyjski
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ignition hypothesisakcenty
neur. теория "воспламенения" (предполагаемый патогенетический механизм развития приступов острой боли при тригеминальной невралгии в связи с повышением возбудимости клеточной мембраны нейронов на фоне изменений (демиелинизация и воспаление корешка тройничного нервав области входа в ствол головного мозга (воротная зона тройничного нерва), вызванных сдавлением корешка (чаще внутримозговой артерией): The ignition hypothesis of trigeminal neuralgia is based on recent advances in the understanding of abnormal electrical behavior in injured sensory neurons, and new histopathologic observations of biopsy specimens from patients with trigeminal neuralgia who are undergoing microvascular decompression surgery. According to the hypothesis, trigeminal neuralgia results from specific abnormalities of trigeminal afferent neurons in the trigeminal root or ganglion. Injury renders axons and axotomized somata hyperexcitable. The hyperexcitable afferents, in turn, give rise to pain paroxysms as a result of synchronized afterdischarge activity. The ignition hypothesis accounts for the major positive and negative signs and symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia, for its pathogenesis, and for the efficacy of treatment modalities. nih.gov Pustelga)