

link 14.04.2021 18:16 
Temat wiadomości: небо в клеточку
Подскажите, пожалуйста. Как бы это перевести адекватненько

Не буду скрывать, был шок (я увидела небо в клеточку)

I can' t hide that, it was a shock - I saw the sky through the prison bars.

(it's three hots and a cot...)

( the skybox?)


link 14.04.2021 18:40 
I saw stars through prison bars.


link 14.04.2021 18:50 
Mec здорово!!!

 Amor 71

link 14.04.2021 18:59 
bars - это прутья, а сама решетка - grid

I can't hide I was in shock when I saw sky grid from the cell.


link 14.04.2021 19:12 
You've not given much context, but if it refers to the bars in a prison cell window like this:

and the window is in a wall (as I suspect), I would consider saying 'through the bars of the (prison) cell window' or even (if the bars were vertical and horizontal and you want to mention this) 'through the criss-cross bars of the (prison) cell window'.

This is because there are lots of different types of 'bars' in a prison -- in cell doors, in corridors, between landings etc -- and not just in cell windows, so 'prison bars' isn't very precise.

It depends on what sort of a клеточка it was and where exactly it was -- which you haven't told us.


link 14.04.2021 20:18 
I saw the sky criss-crossed by the bars of the cell window


link 14.04.2021 21:09 
PS: If the клеточка was in the cell's ceiling rather than in a wall, use 'skylight' rather than 'window' or 'skybox'.

Asker: Was it a pleasant shock or a bad shock for the author? Was it the first time she'd been in a prison cell? Or had she been moved from a cell without a window/skylight, to a cell with one? Please explain.

 Amor 71

link 14.04.2021 21:16 
John, it is a well known expression. " небо в клеточку" simply meaning being jailed or seeing the sky only through the cell window. "B клеточку" itself means anything that consists of horizontal and vertical lines. Such as рубашка в клеточку, тетрадь в клеточку.


link 14.04.2021 21:24 


link 15.04.2021 4:58 
johnstephenson, thank you for your reply! Yes, Amor 71's explanation is quite correct. I wonder if I could use some kind of common English phrase in this sentence.

Спасибо всем за ответы!


link 15.04.2021 10:38 
Небо в клеточку, друзья в полосочку


link 15.04.2021 10:48 
Rus_Land, вот как раз этот перевод и предлагается в Reverso для it's three hots and a cot


link 15.04.2021 11:54 
Небо в клеточку, друзья в полосочку... гаечка в два брюлика, с палец цепура...


link 15.04.2021 12:40 
Mec Мне все еще хочется добавить в перевод вашу фразу про звезды.....


link 15.04.2021 13:52 
Amor 71: Thanks for that excellent explanation, I'm not very good at Ru idioms.

Frina: I've never heard of 'three hots and a cot' or 'skybox' before, although I've now seen them online. They could be US terms. I can't think of an En idiom which includes the word 'sky' but you could try:

'I (was/found myself) ....

* .... behind bars' (standard English, idiomatic)

* .... under lock and key' (standard English, idiomatic)

* .... banged up' (slang -- from the sound of a cell door banging shut)

* .... in the slammer' (slang -- from the sound of a cell door slamming shut)

* .... in the cooler' (slang)

* .... in the can' (slang) (where 'can'=slang for prison)

* .... doing bird' (criminal slang, mainly UK)

All of these (apart from the last one) are common US and UK terms. However, I don't know whether any of them will suit the register/context of your original.


link 15.04.2021 15:56 
johnstephenson thank you very much!!!! I like "under lock and key' - I guess it will be good for my context. Thank you once again!


link 15.04.2021 19:28 
* under lock and key *


I'm goin' back to New Orleans

To wear that ball and chain...


link 16.04.2021 16:12 
Rus_Land: Excellent song! Strangely your photograph makes me think: 'coronavirus lockdown'!


link 16.04.2021 17:32 
under the coronavirus' lock and key


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