
 Andrey Yasharov

link 5.10.2007 19:28 
Temat wiadomości: estrogen prescription med.
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a refill on my estrogen prescription и estrogen patches
Hi doctor I came in today to get a refill on my estrogen prescription but I was hoping we could re-think this rash on my face.
It's getting much worse and there are other things going wrong for me as well.
The hydrocortisone that I prescribed the last time didn't help.
It helped a bit but it's been getting worse lately.
You first had this rash since your hysterectomy.
That's right it's happened twice before.
On both occasions my gyno increased the dose of my estrogen patches.
Then the rash went away after a couple of weeks.
I could definitely see an improvement in the rash in just a few days
both of the last two times it only occurred on the right side of my mouth and here on my eye.
Now it's all around my mouth on both my eyes, my forehead, and my cheeks and my neck
I don't want to increase your estrogen levels again.


link 5.10.2007 19:47 
refill - new dose
she's been prescribed estrogen but ran out of it
it may be that she gets her medication free off her GP, that's why, when she's no more pills left she goes to her GP and not to a pharmacy where she'd have to pay for it


link 5.10.2007 19:55 
I got it.
This woman is on estrogen-only birth control medication, but it's not the pill she takes, but a patch. It's like a sticker you fix to your body and it emits micro-doses of medicine through your skin. You then don't have to worry about taking a pill every day
her gynaecologist increased the estrogen dose on the patch twice
but since it doesn't really make her rash any better, she, instead of getting a refill, wants her doc to reconsider the entire medication scheme

and yes, pregnancy pills are free if you get them off your GP


link 5.10.2007 19:58 
вновь выписать эстрогены
... увеличивал дозировку эстрогенов (по-видимому, для компенсации собственной недостаточности)...


link 5.10.2007 20:02 
I am afraid she does not need birth contol anymore - she has had hysterectomy :-( Most likely she is undergoing hormone replacement therapy.
estrogen patches -пластырь с эстрогеном


link 5.10.2007 20:00 
я не понял о каком birth control идет речь, если удалена матка?
Простите, если чего не понимаю, - пятница!


link 5.10.2007 20:03 
chip2007: yeah, sorry, its HRT
but its not an extension on her prescription she wanted. It's simply a new patch.


link 5.10.2007 22:00 
ИМХО она просит о новом прописывании эстрогенов.
Когда гинеколог давал новую дозировку (как здесь пишут - пластырей- просто не знаю)-становилось лучше.
(Впрочем, тут запутаешься)


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