

link 12.01.2007 17:54 
Subject: boot washing
Речь идет о жилом комплексе баржи. Описывается система распределения воды.

There are some utilities (dish pre-washing basin, pot washing basin and boot washing) where the water distribution is managed by a mixer (for selecting the water temperature) plus a manual release lever.

After the use, assure that the mixer is closed. Otherwise, the cold water and the hot water distribution networks remain interconnected and the fluids mix, affecting the system functionality.

boot washing - что бы здесь могло означать "boot'?


link 12.01.2007 18:01 
Судя по всему "обувь"


link 12.01.2007 18:10 
мытье обуви


link 12.01.2007 21:15 


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