
 Алиса Вирт

link 7.12.2006 23:34 
Subject: The price of fish
Кто-нибудь сталкивался с таким выражением: The price of fish
Например в таком предложении: This has nothing to do with the price of fish!
Или в таком: What's that got to do with the price of fish?
Насколько я поняла, речь не идет о цене на рыбу :)
Это какая-то идиома или поговорка.


link 8.12.2006 0:42 
Old English saying: "What's that got to do with the price of fish?" - used when responding to a statement not in line with the general conversation.


link 8.12.2006 6:16 
you use it to say that it really has nothing to do with anything.

it's pretty much equivalent to saying, "and what's that got to do with the price of tea in china?" (also not used very often)


link 8.12.2006 17:25 
"в огороде бузина...."


link 8.12.2006 21:34 
"Ему про Фому, а он про Ерему"


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