

link 10.06.2006 5:16 
Subject: sempre uiniti..............divisi ma
Товарищи помагите перевести фразу! Общий смысл понятен, но так как никогда не учила итальянский не могу понять в какой формой точно переводить глаголы???????плиззз


link 10.06.2006 14:07 
Фраза какая-то обрывочная, да и написана с ошибкой. Означать сие может следующее: "всегда вместе (объединенные)... разделенные, но..."

Глаголы на самом деле не глаголы, а причастия прошедшего времени. Так их и нужно переводить.


link 3.07.2006 17:45 
Может, имеетсф в виду "mai", т.е. "никогда"?(порознь никогда)
Получается логичнее


link 26.07.2006 14:10 

Date: 26/07/2006

The Director of UINITI, Russia

Subject: Providing your federation with our bibliographical information.
Dear Sir/Madam;
Attorath Center L.T.D – Tamra: is a universal bibliographical information collector (for the two legacies: Arabic and Islamic) in all the learned sciences in universities.
This collector serves universities, institutions, libraries and orientalists, who believe in researching the topics which were not researched before, and the collector, in this case, guarantees the researcher’s excellence.
We offer you to provide your library with our bibliographical information collector; this providing is in return for an annual cost. Our information is updated weekly; your participation in our collector will advance your researches and studies and make it on a higher level. In other words, instead of a standard success that a researcher may get, our providing will enable him/her to get a superior success easily.
We wish you tell us if there are any Arabic books in your library which are related to Orient, and how many if so.
You can visit our homepage of our site: www.attorath.com. Take into account that we are the largest bibliographical collector worldwide, for both the published resources and the manuscripts especially the Orient related ones.
We should be most grateful if you could reply soon, whether you accept our offer or not.
Yours truly,
The Management


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