

link 29.06.2006 9:22 
Subject: development plan
Еще раз вынуждена обратиться за помощью.
Перевожу текст, где дается определение бизнес плана, инвестиционного меморандума и development plan. Пока не могу понять. что это.
Затем идет сравнение. говориться, что бизнес планы и инвестиционные меморандумы составляются для компаний с корпоративной структурой. АО например. Для компаний, которые еще на протяжение многих лет будут работать, заниматься продажами.
Development Plan: This is solely a Real Estate Development Document. It has similarities to some of the information in a Business Plan but it's focus is more on the nature of the project, local economic and market conditions, legal, land and development issues as well as the finance requirements. It would normally be of 15 to 30 pages in length plus (as an Appendix) details of the land ownership and rights, zoning permissions granted, water and sewerage agreements, energy and other services agreements, proposed project structure and any corporate by-laws (if relevant).
Что же это за development plan? Help please!


link 29.06.2006 9:56 

По моему речь идет о проекте планировки застройки


link 29.06.2006 10:33 
NOTE: The main differences are:
(1) Business Plan and Investment Memorandum are used for corporate structures where there is joint stock company that is continuing in existence. A Business Plan or Investment Memorandum is suitable for a project involving a manufacturing or service company which intends to go on providing sales for many years into the future. They are also suitable for a Property Company where the Company itself is looking to raise finance rather than just looking for finance for individual property developments.
(2) Development Proposals are used where the Project is a "one off" property development in which there is not a continuing joint stock company and the project profits are paid out. In this instance the lending bank is less concerned with the status of the "top" company because it lends to and seeks repayment from the development company. However, please note that lending banks to Russian property developments are likely to ask about the status of the holding company because of the perceived risks and the fact that lending on property developments in Russia is relatively new.
Совсем запуталась, помогите понять идею!


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