
 Anastasia Leo

link 23.11.2005 10:44 
Subject: то пропадаешь, то появляешься
Я уже начинаю привыкать, что ты постоянно то пропадаешь, то появляешься.

I am getting used to your spontaneous ....?


link 23.11.2005 10:47 
...ins and outs.


link 23.11.2005 10:48 
...appearances and disappearances.

 Anastasia Leo

link 23.11.2005 10:54 


link 23.11.2005 10:58 
I am getting used to your being here and disappear


link 23.11.2005 10:59 
Leolia, тогда уж "...disappearing".


link 23.11.2005 11:04 
2 Aiduza: yeah, thanx;) My pleasure:)


link 23.11.2005 11:04 
im starting to get used to the fact that you are always coming and going


link 23.11.2005 11:08 
what about "going away and coming back"?


link 23.11.2005 11:12 
is there more context? sometimes the best way to say it depends on if it is a person, if they come and go on business, if they come and go becasue they wander, if they come and go becasue they have that kind of relationship with the other person;
or if the thing coming and going is an animal

 Anastasia Leo

link 23.11.2005 11:19 
they come and go becasue they have that kind of relationship


link 23.11.2005 11:29 
судя по "ты",
подходит простой вариант
"go away and come back"


link 23.11.2005 11:37 
слушайте gogolesque


link 23.11.2005 11:40 
Anastasia Leo
then you want to say:
i've gotten used to you always coming into my life and then leaving again

 Anastasia Leo

link 23.11.2005 11:45 
спасибо всем

 Тruth Seeker

link 23.11.2005 21:47 
could be:I am getting used to our on-again/off-again relationship


link 24.11.2005 9:28 
on-off relationship - это когда двое влюбленных то сходятся, то расходятся друг с дружкой.


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