

link 23.03.2021 23:45 
Subject: claims Gift Aid
PayPal Giving Fund provides your donation receipt and claims Gift Aid if your donation is eligible. The charity you recommend will usually receive the funds within 15-45 days of your original donation.

Как перевести этот фрагмент - and claims Gift Aid if your donation is eligible? Спасибо

 Amor 71

link 24.03.2021 3:00 
и примет Дар в Помощь, если вашe пожертвование приемлемое.


link 24.03.2021 15:58 
"Gift Aid is a UK Government scheme to encourage individuals to donate to charities. It does this by allowing the charities to reclaim from the government the tax(es) paid on donations by the individual. Personal taxes such as income tax, savings tax and capital gains tax [налог на прирост капитала] all qualify for Gift Aid but VAT [НДС] does not. A similar policy applies to charitable donations by companies that pay UK Corporation Tax."

Some other countries also use Gift Aid (or schemes similar to it) for the same purpose -- to encourage individuals and/or companies to donate to charities.

The 'Giving Fund' is just a term invented by PayPal for its scheme to enable charities to benefit from the Gift Aid scheme: https://www.paypal.com/uk/webapps/mpp/givingfund/home .


link 24.03.2021 16:16 
(PayPal's 'Giving Fund' also allows people to donate to charities even if they're not claiming Gift Aid on their donation).


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