

link 19.02.2016 13:00 
Subject: Здравствуйте!Помогите пожалуйста перевести law
This deed, drawn up to be kept in the civil law notary's custody, was executed in Amsterdam on the date first abov written

Сообразить не могу, как это все получше выразить


link 19.02.2016 13:04 
...подписан в Амстердаме в дату, указанную на первой (титульной) странице

on the date first above written - можно дать вариантов 5

на титульной странице - если она есть

в остальных случаях - на первой странице

в первой части - который будет храниться у civil law notary


link 19.02.2016 13:18 
Спасибо огромное)


link 20.02.2016 0:35 
'on the date first above-written' could be a legal way of saying:

* 'on the date that the text/information above was first written (ie, written for the first time -- as opposed to being copied/amended/added to at a later date)'; or possibly
* 'on the earliest of the various dates written above'.

A native English legal translator is the best person to ask. There are several of them on MT if you ask nicely...


link 20.02.2016 4:29 
А вот как сформулировано в одном договоре:

In witness whereof the Parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed on the date set out above.

Что это за date set out above? Смотрим на титульный лист:

Draft: 23 April 2002

There are no other dates in that agreement.

Перевод: в дату, указанную выше.

IMHO: В первом случае (on the date first above written) можно и не писать "на титульном листе" или "на первой странице" (т.к. это перевод по смыслу и далек от буквальной точности), а написать "в дату, указанную выше", если в тексте нет других дат...


link 21.02.2016 1:23 
'On the date set out above' usually just means 'on the date specified/mentioned above'. So, as you say, you'd expect there to be to be a reference to that date somewhere in the text, rather than just the date on which the document was drafted.

Could it be that, as the document's only a draft rather than the final version,
a) the authors haven't yet decided on the date but will include it in the final version; or
b) there's a space (gap) in the text for someone to insert the date later?

Alternatively, if it's a translation into English, it could just be that the English in it is poor. If it is, using 'в дату, указанную выше' may be your only option. If you post a few more paragraphs of the text, I'll tell you how good/bad the English in it is.


link 21.02.2016 3:40 
Dear ZaremaMarla, I'm afraid, in the face of Alex16 & johnstephenson you've encountered the people that like complicating the simple issues. In your sentence there are but only three principal points: 1) this deed, drawn up; 2) in the civil law notary's custody and 3) on the date first above written that have caused the main difficulty for the prior understanding of its meaning. Each should be translated as follows: 1) дело, составленное (для хранения); 2) под опекой у ноатриуса гражданского права (или "в гражданской нотариальной конторе") и 3) в вышеуказанную дату. I think there was no bad English in the original text: it was official but grammatically correct. From now on to avoid the similar (of johnstephenson) speculations over the text's quality it's better to make a preliminary reference to the source of it. Regards, friendly meant


link 21.02.2016 5:23 
On the date first above written - typical (and yes, grammatically correct) legalese - "в вышеуказанную дату".


link 21.02.2016 14:17 
I'll go along with Alex -- you can only translate what's in front of you. If it doesn't make sense (for example, by referring to a date that isn't there), that's the author's problem rather than yours.


link 21.02.2016 15:16 


link 21.02.2016 15:17 


link 21.02.2016 15:21 
вот и обменялись любезностями)))))


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