

link 30.12.2015 16:04 
Subject: just might gen.
Holiday traditions may not change, but the way these traditions happen just might.


link 30.12.2015 16:06 
I agree.


link 30.12.2015 16:33 
Так тут милая беседа о традициях или просьба какая? )))


link 30.12.2015 16:38 
вполне возможно, что могут


link 30.12.2015 16:45 
если неформальный текст, то будет типа "запросто могут"


link 30.12.2015 16:54 
"Вполне могут"


link 30.12.2015 17:04 
До кучи:
Они оба могут (с) :-)


link 30.12.2015 18:34 
очень даже вполне себе может, ага


link 31.12.2015 20:27 
'.... may not change, but' = 'although .... don't change,'
'just might' (here) = 'may possibly [change] [in future]'.


link 31.12.2015 20:53 
respectfully disagree: the "just" here suggests that the events are upcoming,
i.e. just might ~= very well might ~= are likely to happen, and in [very] near future


link 1.01.2016 8:44 
>> the "just" here suggests that the events are upcoming
Whatever gave you that idea? ;-)

>> just might ~= very well might ~= are likely to happen, and in [very] near future
is a far-fetched assumption, IMHO.

Here is my morning-after take:
While holiday traditions remain largely unchanged, the way these traditions are carried out by particular individuals or within particular groups, communities and households MIGHT (meaning that there is a good chance that they will, however the chances are EQUALLY good that they will not) change/vary OVER TIME.

Now, the bottom line is that
Johnstephenson +1
Wow2 (respectfully) -1

Happy New Year! :-)


link 1.01.2016 11:03 
wow2: DISAGREE with me? How DARE you?!? :-)
I've been trying to think of ways in which 'just might' could suggest that you're likely to do sth in the [very] near future, and I can't think of any at all, at least in UK English.

You're not thinking of 'just about to', are you? That means that you're going to do sth very shortly -- although it doesn't suggest that you're likely to do it, it means that you're going to do it.

mikhailS: Thank you for your valuable contribution. Cheque in the post to you .... ;-)

 Amor 71

link 1.01.2016 13:45 
С Новым годом!

А если бы прочитали статью, то не ломали бы копья.


праздничные традиции не меняются, но то, как мы их соблюдаем, вполне может измениться.


link 1.01.2016 19:26 
Amor 71: Cheque in the post to you too. That's 2 x 5 pence = 10 pence that's cost me so far. This is getting expensive....

Happy New Year to everyone, by the way. Even wow2. ;-)

 Amor 71

link 1.01.2016 19:43 
cash only.


link 1.01.2016 23:06 
Ho! Ho!
† Thread closed by moderator †