

link 22.01.2015 15:34 
Subject: infection pressure gen.
Интересует эквивалент на русском языке.
Пример контекста:
"To decrease the incidence of new infection, one must reduce the infection pressure on uninfected, susceptible animals within the herd or flock. This can be accomplished through a combination of the following environmental management techniques:
- Sanitation - maintain a clean environment, feed and water supply. Many agents are spread from animal to animal by fecal contamination of feed, water and the environment.
- Provide "controlled" infection pressure
- lower the level of exposure in environment
- expose new additions to limited doses of environmental agents (add small amounts of fecal material to isolated animals)
- Quarantine new additions; isolate sick animals
- Don't mix animals from different sources
- Separate neonates from dams early in life (assure adequate colostrum intake)"



link 22.01.2015 17:33 
воздействие инфекции


link 22.01.2015 23:48 
факторы риска заражения


link 1.04.2016 9:12 
Видимо, уже для истории: количество патогенных микроорганизмов


link 1.04.2016 9:38 
например, в данной статье имеют в виду количество контактов под infection pressure -- number of daily child contacts
что опосредованно как бы и есть количество микроорганизмов, кот. ты exposed to


link 1.04.2016 10:01 
Мне встречалось именно в ветеринарии, с пояснением " the quantity of pathogens present in the population".


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