

link 9.09.2005 7:03 
КОНТЕКСТ - Расстояние между рейками на верхней поверхности поддона должно быть не более 50мм

(Реек более двух)


link 9.09.2005 7:06 
between, surtainly


link 9.09.2005 7:06 
among - энто "среди", а не "между"


link 9.09.2005 7:12 
Use "among" when referring to three or more and "between" when referring to two (between points A and B) or to reciprocal relationships shared by two or more (an agreement between five companies).
В вашем случае between, поскольку расстояние измеряется между двумя соседними планками.


link 9.09.2005 7:22 
Все верно, но не могу не процитировать своего любимого Майкла Свона (просто для любопытной информации):

We say somebody or something is BETWEEN two OR MORE clearly separate things:
"Our house is between the woods, the river and the village".

Before a series of SINGULAR nouns we usually use "divide between" and "share between". Before a PLURAL noun we can say "between" or "among". Compare:
"He DIVIDED his money BETWEEN his wife, his daughter and his sister".
"I SHARED the food BETWEEN/AMONG all my friends".

We use BETWEEN, NOT "among", after "difference":
"What are the main differences BETWEEN crows, rooks and jackdaws?"


link 9.09.2005 7:23 
Полностью не согласен с 10-4! "among" - энто о некой выборке, напр.: among smth this one is the best, а никак не о расстоянии.


link 9.09.2005 7:43 
В данном случае это именно, самое что ни на есть BETWEEN


link 9.09.2005 9:06 
But if I write "BETWEEN the stripes of the pallet" it may be understood as if there are only two stripes... or not?

P.S. Thanx Slava - really "любопытная информация" :)


link 9.09.2005 9:19 
You better write:
The stripes shall be spaced 50 mm max.


link 9.09.2005 9:29 
2 10-4 - KRUTO!!! APPRECIATE!!!


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