

link 18.10.2012 8:21 
Subject: gum, degumming (производство соевого масла) gen.
Как перевести слово gum (degumming) в следующем контексте:
Degumming - Gum/phosphatides (soy lecithin) are removed using hydration and centrifugation processes.

Crude soybean oil is a rich source of lecithin, a mixture of naturally occurring phospholipids (phosphatidylcholine [sometimes commonly calledlecithin], phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol) extracted as a by-product during the degumming of crude soybean oil.

Neutralization - Neutralization removes or reduces free fatty acids. This is done through a chemical reaction between free fatty acids and a base (NaOH). In this process, non-hydrolysable gum,
trace metals and saponifiable matter are also reduced or removed.


link 18.10.2012 8:52 
Degumming - Gum/phosphatides (soy lecithin) are removed - экструдирование (обезжиривание) производится / осуществляется


link 18.10.2012 8:53 
фосфатиды удаляются

 Rivenhart moderator

link 18.10.2012 9:11 


link 18.10.2012 10:27 
дегумирование = рафинирование путем гидратации


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